2 years ago
3 changed files with 116 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
# Figures |
## fig_aa8.tex |
评级 PPT 文档中的插图源码 |
![fig_aa8](./images/fig_aa8.png) |
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ |
\documentclass[border=10pt]{standalone} |
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\begin{document} |
\tikzsetnextfilename{aa8_png} |
\begin{tikzpicture}[png export, node distance=1.0cm, font=\tiny\ttfamily, label distance=0pt] |
% AA804 |
\node at (0.6, 2.5) {AA804}; |
\draw [lineblock] (1, 1) rectangle (4.5, 2.5); |
\node [textblock,anchor=south west] (f5) at (1.2, 1.3) {FPGA5}; |
\node [textblock,right=30pt of f5] (d5) {DSP5}; |
\coordinate (start) at ($(f5.west) + (-1.5, 0)$); |
%\node [anchor=east, NavyBlue] at (start) {\bf 输入}; |
\node [anchor=east, NavyBlue, cloud] at (start) {\bf 上位机}; |
\draw [inline] (start) -- node[above,labelstyle, midway] {1553B} (f5.west); |
%\draw (start) edge ["输入" blue ,->] (f5.west); |
% AA801 |
\node at (2.5, 4.7) {AA801}; |
\draw [lineblock] (1, 3.5) rectangle (4, 4.5); |
\node [textblock,anchor=west] (f1) at (1.3, 4) {FPGA1}; |
\node [textblock,right=10pt of f1] (f2) {FPGA2}; |
% AA802 |
\node at (7, 3.8) {AA802}; |
\draw [lineblock] (5.8, 0.3) rectangle (8.8, 3.6); |
\node [textblock,anchor=north] (d6) at (7.3, 3.2) {DSP6}; |
\node [textblock,below=25pt of d6,xshift=-20pt] (f3) {FPGA3}; |
\node [textblock,below=25pt of d6,xshift=20pt] (f4) {FPGA4}; |
% AA803 |
\draw [lineblock] (0, -1.5) rectangle (5.9, -0.2); |
\node at (-0.4, -0.8) {AA803}; |
\node [textblock,anchor=north] (d1) at (0.8, -0.5) {DSP1}; |
\node [textblock,right=10pt of d1] (d2) {DSP2}; |
\node [textblock,right=10pt of d2] (d3) {DSP3}; |
\node [textblock,right=10pt of d3] (d4) {DSP4}; |
% connections |
\coordinate (d5d1) at ($(d5.south)!0.5!(d1.north)$); |
\coordinate (d5d2) at ($(d5.south)!0.5!(d2.north)$); |
\coordinate (d5d3) at ($(d5.south)!0.5!(d3.north)$); |
\coordinate (d5d4) at ($(d5.south)!0.5!(d4.north)$); |
\draw [conline] (d5.south) |- (d5d1) -| node[labelstyle, near end, left] {SRIO} (d1.north); |
\draw [conline] (d5.south) |- (d5d2) -| node[labelstyle, near end, left] {SRIO} (d2.north); |
\draw [conline] (d5.south) |- (d5d3) -| node[labelstyle, near end, left] {SRIO} (d3.north); |
\draw [conline] (d5.south) |- (d5d4) -| node[labelstyle, near end, left] {SRIO} (d4.north); |
\coordinate (d5d6) at ($(d5.east)!0.5!(d6.west)$); |
\draw [conline] (d5.east) -| (d5d6) |- node[labelstyle,above, near end] {PCIE} (d6.west); |
\coordinate (d6f3) at ($(d6.south)!0.5!(f3.north)$); |
\coordinate (d6f4) at ($(d6.south)!0.5!(f4.north)$); |
\draw [conline] (d6.south) |- (d6f3) -| node[labelstyle, near end, left] {EMIF} (f3.north); |
\draw [conline] (d6.south) |- (d6f4) -| node[labelstyle, near end, right] {EMIF} (f4.north); |
\coordinate (d5f3) at ($(d5.north)!0.5!(f1.south)$); |
\coordinate (d5f2) at ($(d5.north)!0.5!(f2.south)$); |
\draw [conline] ($(d5.north)+(-6pt,0)$) |- (d5f3) -| node[labelstyle, near end, left] {EMIF} (f1.south); |
\draw [conline] ($(d5.north)+(-6pt,0)$) |- (d5f2) -| node[labelstyle, near end, left] {EMIF} (f2.south); |
\draw [conline] ($(d5.west)+(0, -6pt)$) to[out=180, in=0] node[labelstyle,below] {EMIF} ($(f5.east)+(0, -6pt)$); |
\draw [inline] ($(f5.east)+(0, +6pt)$) to[out=0, in=180] node[labelstyle,above] {EMIF} ($(d5.west)+(0, +6pt)$); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\end{document} |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 123 KiB |
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