2 years ago
3 changed files with 55 additions and 0 deletions
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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ |
\documentclass[border=1cm] {standalone} |
\usepackage{tikz} |
\usetikzlibrary {arrows,shapes.geometric} |
\begin{document} |
\begin{tikzpicture} |
[auto, |
decision/.style={diamond, draw=blue, thick, fill=blue!20, |
text width=4.5em,align=flush center, |
inner sep=1pt}, |
block/.style ={rectangle, draw=blue, thick, fill=blue!20, |
text width=5em,align=center, rounded corners, |
minimum height=4em}, |
line/.style ={draw, thick, -latex',shorten >=2pt}, |
cloud/.style ={draw=red, thick, ellipse,fill=red!20, |
minimum height=2em}] |
\matrix [column sep=5mm,row sep=7mm] |
{ |
% row 1 |
\node [cloud] (expert) {expert}; & |
\node [block] (init) {initialize model}; & |
\node [cloud] (system) {system}; \\ |
% row 2 |
& \node [block] (identify) {identify candidate model}; & \\ |
% row 3 |
\node [block] (update) {update model}; & |
\node [block] (evaluate) {evaluate candidate models}; & \\ |
% row 4 |
& \node [decision] (decide) {is best candidate}; & \\ |
% row 5 |
& \node [block] (stop) {stop}; & \\ |
}; |
\begin{scope}[every path/.style=line] |
\path (init) -- (identify); |
\path (identify) -- (evaluate); |
\path (evaluate) -- (decide); |
\path (update) |- (identify); |
\path (decide) -| node [near start] {yes} (update); |
\path (decide) -- node [midway] {no} (stop); |
\path [dashed] (expert) -- (init); |
\path [dashed] (system) -- (init); |
\path [dashed] (system) |- (evaluate); |
\end{scope} |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\end{document} |
Reference in new issue