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SerialICE Kernel Operation
SerialICE Kernel Operation
Some of the code in this explanation is board-specific.
This description uses code extracted from the
kernel for the
BDMR4101 evaluation board.
Execution starts at the reset vector 0xbfc00000. At this address there
is a branch-and-link to cpu_init.
reset_vector: # bfc00000
bal cpu_init
cpu_init performs any hardware specific initialization. eg. initialize
the serial port that will be used to communicate with the SerialICE Controller,
initialize the DRAM controller. It does not need to initialize the
Once this step has been completed. We initialize the CAUSE and SR
# make sure the sw bits of the CAUSE register are zero
.set noreorder
mtc0 zero,C0_CAUSE
.set reorder
# enable ints in SR MASK+IEC
.set noreorder
mtc0 k0,C0_SR
.set reorder
and then save some values in the savearea. Note that SAVEAREA has a kseg1
la t0,get_word
sw t0,ICE_GWP*4(k0)
la t0,put_word
sw t0,ICE_PWP*4(k0)
sw t0,ICE_IBS*4(k0)
li t0,REG_MAP
sw t0,ICE_MAP*4(k0)
li t0,SA_VERS
sw t0,ICE_SAV*4(k0)
sw t0,ICE_SAH*4(k0)
#ifdef MIPSEB
li t0,0
li t0,1
sw t0,ICE_LE*4(k0)
This block of code writes seven values into the savearea. This information
is needed by the SerialICE Driver or DLL. The savearea is in two parts, a
header, and registers. The size of the header is placed in ICE_SAH, following
this are a number of saved registers. Which registers, and how many, are
indicated by the ICE_MAP value.
� The address of get_word. Needed to implement fast download.
� The address of put_word. Currently unused.
� Size of instruction buffer.
Permits the SerialICE Driver or DLL to avoid exceeding the
capacity of the buffer.
� Register bitmap. This tells the Driver or DLL which registers
have been placed in the savearea.
� Savearea version number. This permits newly formatted saveareas in the
future. Current value is 2.
� Savearea-header size. Size of the header portion of the savearea.
� Little Endian flag. Indicates that the target is little endian.
At this point the kernel permits you to transfer control to your
application (if it is already in the ROM). Otherwise, it just sits
in a tight loop waiting for a request from the SerialICE Driver or DLL.
# execute a prom-resident application
b cstartup
# wait here for the host to speak to me
1: b 1b
When the kernel receives an interrupt, the hardware transfers control
to the general exception vector. The kernel forces kseg1 (non cacheable)
execution and then saves 9 registers in the savearea. These registers
are required for the kernel's operation.
gen_vector: # bfc00180
# save regs
sw AT,ICE_AT*4(k0)
sw v0,ICE_V0*4(k0)
sw a0,ICE_A0*4(k0)
sw a1,ICE_A1*4(k0)
sw a2,ICE_A2*4(k0)
sw a3,ICE_A3*4(k0)
# make sure that we are in kseg1
la a3,1f
li a2,K1BASE
or a3,a2
j a3
sw t0,ICE_T0*4(k0)
sw t1,ICE_T1*4(k0)
sw t2,ICE_T2*4(k0)
sw t3,ICE_T3*4(k0)
sw t4,ICE_T4*4(k0)
sw s0,ICE_S0*4(k0)
sw ra,ICE_RA*4(k0)
.set noreorder
mfc0 t0,C0_EPC
.set reorder
sw t0,ICE_EPC*4(k0)
Register s0 is used as a pointer to the current location in the
memory-based instruction buffer. So we need to initialize it here.
# init s0 (KSEG1)
Now we need to find out what the cause of the exception was. The pseudo
code is as follows:
if (not hw int) goto send_ack;
else if (not my int) goto send_ack;
else if (not attn byte) goto restore_rfe;
else goto send_ack;
If the exception was not a hardware interrupt jump to send_ack. If
it was a hardware, but it wasn't a serial-port interrupt jump to send_ack.
If it was a serial-port interrupt, but it wasn't a valid ATTN byte
jump to restore_rfe. For all other cases jump to send_ack. The real
code follows:
# read the CAUSE register
.set noreorder
mfc0 a0,C0_CAUSE
.set reorder
# hw int?
bne t0,zero,send_ack # brif not a hw int
# It is a hw int. But is it my int?
.set noreorder
mfc0 t0,C0_SR
.set reorder
and t0,a0 # qualify the CAUSE bits
beq t0,zero,send_ack # brif not mine
# make sure that this is a *real* attn byte
# read the byte
lw k0,UART_RXHR(a2)
li k1,ATTN
bne k0,k1,restore_rfe # brif not an attn byte
# fall thru to send_ack
.end gen_vector
send_ack sends the special ACK character. It also sets t0 and t1 to
zero. These two registers are used by the SerialICE Driver (running on the
SerialICE Controller) to hold the current address and the current data value.
The driver assumes that these registers start with a value of zero, and
so they must be initialized here.
# make sure that the tx is ready
1: lw k0,UART_TXS(a2)
and k0,TXS_TXRDY
beq k0,zero,1b
li k0,ACK
sw k0,UART_TXHR(a2)
# make sure that r8 and r9 are zero.
li t0,0
li t1,0
# fall thru to ice_loop
.end send_ack
The next block of code is the main ice_loop. This is where the kernel
remains while it is in control (state1). Pseudo code for this block
for (;;) {
w = get_word();
if (w == SENDA0) {
*s0++ = 0; *s0++ = J_RA; *s0++ = 0;
a0 = (* s0)();
else if (w == RUN_MODE) {
else if (w == SENDSAP) {
a0 =
else *s0++ = w;
Each time around the loop, the kernel performs the following actions:
� Get a 32-bit word from the serial interface by calling get_word()
and check the value.
� Value is SENDA0. Write a nop;j ra;nop to the instruction
buffer. Call the code that is in the instruction buffer
as a subroutine. Send the contents of register a0 to the
SerialICE Controller by calling put_word().
� Value is RUN_MODE. Return control to the application. Do this
by restoring the registers and performing an rfe instruction.
� Value is SENDSAP. Send the value of the Save Area Pointer to
the SerialICE Controller. Do this by putting the address of savearea
in register a0 and sending it's value to the SerialICE Controller
using put_word(). Note that the LS bit of the address must be set in
order to indicate that this kernel uses a savearea version of 2 or
� All other values. Add the word to the instruction buffer
and increment the pointer (register s0).
The real code for the ice_loop follows:
bal get_cmd
# check for SENDA0
li a2,SENDA0
bne a2,v0,1f
# It is SENDA0. Execute the code in INSTR_BUFFER and send
# the value of register a0.
# Make sure that the routine ends with a "j ra".
sw zero,(s0)
li k0,J_RA_INSTR
sw k0,4(s0)
sw zero,8(s0)
# Make sure that the writes complete before the jal.
.set noreorder
.set reorder
# Reset s0 to point to start of INSTR_BUFFER.
jal s0 # execute INSTR_BUFFER
bal put_word # send A0
b ice_loop
1: # check for RUN_MODE
li a2,RUN_MODE
bne a2,v0,1f
# It is RUN_MODE. Transfer control to the client.
# restore regs
lw AT,ICE_AT*4(k0)
lw v0,ICE_V0*4(k0)
lw a0,ICE_A0*4(k0)
lw a1,ICE_A1*4(k0)
lw a2,ICE_A2*4(k0)
lw a3,ICE_A3*4(k0)
lw t0,ICE_T0*4(k0)
lw t1,ICE_T1*4(k0)
lw t2,ICE_T2*4(k0)
lw t3,ICE_T3*4(k0)
lw t4,ICE_T4*4(k0)
lw s0,ICE_S0*4(k0)
lw ra,ICE_RA*4(k0)
.set noreorder
lw k0,ICE_EPC*4(k0)
j k0 # jump to client
.set reorder
1: # check for SENDSAP
bne a2,v0,1f
# It is SENDSAP. Send address of SAVEAREA.
or a0,1 # indicate new format
bal put_word
b ice_loop
1: # else. Not a special word.
sw v0,(s0) # save word in INSTR_BUFFER
addu s0,4 # ready for next word
b ice_loop
.end ice_loop
The get_cmd function reads 4 bytes from the serial port, and assembles
them into a 32-bit word. The word is placed in register v0. This
routine differs from the get_word routine that is used for download, in
that it will always respond to an ATTN byte (0x55).
li a1,4 # get 4 bytes
# wait for rxrdy
3: lw k0,UART_RXS(a2)
and k0,RXS_RXRDY
beq k0,zero,3b
# get the byte
lw k0,UART_RXHR(a2)
# first byte?
bne a1,4,2f # brif not first byte
# is the byte a wakeup?
bne k0,ATTN,2f # brif not a wakeup
# wait for txrdy
1: lw k0,UART_TXS(a2)
and k0,TXS_TXRDY
beq k0,zero,1b
# send an ack
li k0,ACK
sw k0,UART_TXHR(a2)
b 3b
2: sll v0,8 # move word into position
or v0,k0 # merge byte with word
subu a1,1 # bytecount--
bne a1,zero,3b # do next byte
j ra
.end get_cmd
li a1,4
1: lw k0,UART_RXS(a2)
and k0,RXS_RXRDY
beq k0,zero,1b
lw k0,UART_RXHR(a2)
sll v0,8
or v0,k0
subu a1,1
bne a1,zero,1b
j ra
.end get_word
The put_word function transmits the 32-bit contents of register a0 as 4
successive bytes.
li a1,4
1: lw k0,UART_TXS(a2)
and k0,TXS_TXRDY
beq k0,zero,1b
sw a0,UART_TXHR(a2)
srl a0,8
subu a1,1
bne a1,zero,1b
j ra
.end put_word
� k4101.s - Kernel for BDMR4101
� k4011.s - Kernel for BDMR4011
� k4102.s - Kernel for BDMR4102
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