You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

32 lines
477 B

la a0, start
li a1, 0xbfc00000
la a2, _edata
or a0, 0xa0000000
or a2, 0xa0000000
subu t1, a2, a0
srl t1, t1, 2
move t0, a0
move t1, a1
move t2, a2
/* copy text section */
1: lw t3, 0(t1)
sw t3, 0(t0)
addu t0, 4
addu t1, 4
bne t2, t0, 1b
PRINTSTR("\ncopy text section done.\r\n")
/* Clear BSS */
la a0, _edata
la a2, _end
or a0, 0xa0000000
or a2, 0xa0000000
2: sw zero, 0(a0)
bne a2, a0, 2b
addu a0, 4