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cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20)
# TODO 1: Add the `project()`'s `VERSION` and set it to `2.7.1`
project(Project LANGUAGES C)
target_sources(version PRIVATE main.c)
# TODO 2: Configure `` to generate `version.h`
# TODO 3: Add the Project Binary Directory to the target's include directories
target_link_options(version PRIVATE --semihosting)
add_test(NAME version-test
COMMAND /opt/iarsystems/bxarm/common/bin/CSpyBat
# C-SPY drivers for the Arm simulator via command line interface
# The target executable (built with debug information)
# C-SPY driver options
set_tests_properties(version-test PROPERTIES PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "2.7.1")