We need per device header includes to make the per target documentation
generation work properly. The dispatch headers are to dispatch to the
_target_ not directly to the final implementation, remember, the final
required headers for each may be multiple files, plus extra definitions!
to remove errors, duplications and inconsistencies.
File lib/stm32/f1/pwr.c - all code removed as it duplicates that in common/pwr_common.c
Remaining changes do not affect code. Compiles OK.
TODO efm32 has no code so generates no modules
TODO F2 needs pwr.c
TODO L1 needs dma.h and dma.c
file having its own group module rather than using @file.
No code changes except for the following:
gpio: Added function to map the eventout signal plus two Remap functions
dma: Prevent changing base addresses while channel enabled (see datasheet)
pwr: Added pwr.c (new file)
timer: Removed the last function that I introduced recently; there is already
an equivalent function present. Changed some parameter names for consistency.
All #includes now explicitly use the "<libopencm3/stm32/rcc.h>" format.
If you want to get rid of the "libopencm3" prefix in your local project you
can add a respective -I entry in your Makefile (not recommended though).
All .ld files and .a libs are installed in $(TOOLCHAIN_DIR)/lib
directly (as before), but are now renamed to avoid potential
conflicts now or in the future. Examples: