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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Horus Binary (and oldschool) Telemetry Uploader
# Mark Jessop 2015-12-31
# <>
# This script takes either a hex representation of the binary payload, or
# a 'classic' ASCII sentence, and uploads it to Habitat.
# Currently this script tells the two apart by looking for 'HORUS' at the start
# of the argument to determine if it's an ASCII sentence.
# It's designed to be called from fsk_horus_stream.m, and is tailored for it's output.
# Dependencies:
# - Python 2.7 (Will probably break in Python 3)
# - crcmod (pip install crcmod)
import time, struct, json, socket, httplib, crcmod, argparse, sys
from base64 import b64encode
from hashlib import sha256
from datetime import datetime
def crc16_ccitt(data):
Calculate the CRC16 CCITT checksum of *data*.
(CRC16 CCITT: start 0xFFFF, poly 0x1021)
crc16 = crcmod.predefined.mkCrcFun('crc-ccitt-false')
return crc16(data)
# Binary packet format, from
# struct TBinaryPacket
# {
# uint8_t PayloadID;
# uint16_t Counter;
# uint8_t Hours;
# uint8_t Minutes;
# uint8_t Seconds;
# float Latitude;
# float Longitude;
# uint16_t Altitude;
# uint8_t Speed; // Speed in Knots (1-255 knots)
# uint8_t Sats;
# int8_t Temp; // Twos Complement Temp value.
# uint8_t BattVoltage; // 0 = 0.5v, 255 = 2.0V, linear steps in-between.
# uint16_t Checksum; // CRC16-CCITT Checksum.
# }; // __attribute__ ((packed));
def decode_horus_binary_telemetry(payload):
horus_format_struct = "<BHBBBffHBBbBH"
unpacked = struct.unpack(horus_format_struct, payload)
print "Wrong string length. Packet contents:"
print ":".join("{:02x}".format(ord(c)) for c in payload)
telemetry = {}
telemetry['payload_id'] = unpacked[0]
telemetry['counter'] = unpacked[1]
telemetry['time'] = "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (unpacked[2],unpacked[3],unpacked[4])
telemetry['latitude'] = unpacked[5]
telemetry['longitude'] = unpacked[6]
telemetry['altitude'] = unpacked[7]
telemetry['speed'] = unpacked[8]
telemetry['sats'] = unpacked[9]
telemetry['temp'] = unpacked[10]
telemetry['batt_voltage_raw'] = unpacked[11]
telemetry['checksum'] = unpacked[12]
# Convert some of the fields into more useful units.
telemetry['batt_voltage'] = 0.5 + 1.5*telemetry['batt_voltage_raw']/255.0
return telemetry
# Compatible with Habitat Payload ID 55f39c02e518bdd2885c8aac7d1cdd7c
def telemetry_to_sentence(telemetry):
sentence = "$$PICOHORUSBINARY,%d,%s,%.5f,%.5f,%d,%d,%d,%d,%.2f" % (telemetry['counter'],telemetry['time'],telemetry['latitude'],
checksum = hex(crc16_ccitt(sentence[2:]))[2:].upper().zfill(4)
output = sentence + "*" + checksum + "\n"
return output
# Habitat Upload Functions
def habitat_upload_sentence(sentence, callsign="N0CALL"):
sentence_b64 = b64encode(sentence)
date = datetime.utcnow().isoformat("T") + "Z"
data = {
"type": "payload_telemetry",
"data": {
"_raw": sentence_b64
"receivers": {
callsign: {
"time_created": date,
"time_uploaded": date,
c = httplib.HTTPConnection("",timeout=4)
"/habitat/_design/payload_telemetry/_update/add_listener/%s" % sha256(sentence_b64).hexdigest(),
json.dumps(data), # BODY
{"Content-Type": "application/json"} # HEADERS
response = c.getresponse()
except Exception as e:
print("Failed to upload to Habitat.")
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("raw_data", help="Raw Data, either hex binary data, or ASCII payload string.")
parser.add_argument("-c","--callsign",default="N0CALL",help="Habitat Upload Callsign")
args = parser.parse_args()
uploader_callsign = args.callsign
raw_data = args.raw_data
if raw_data.startswith("AX5ARG"):
# Assume the data is a standard telemetry string and just upload it.
# Append a Newline and checksum (if not alread there) to the end, and "$$"'s to the start.
if not '*' in raw_data:
# Assume there is no checksum on the end of the string, and add one.
checksum = hex(crc16_ccitt(raw_data))[2:].upper().zfill(4)
raw_data = raw_data + "*" + checksum
if raw_data[:-1] != '\n':
raw_data = "$$" + raw_data + '\n'
habitat_upload_sentence(raw_data, callsign = uploader_callsign)
# Attempt to decode some hex data.
data = raw_data.decode("hex")
telem = decode_horus_binary_telemetry(data)
# Only convert and upload if checksum passes.
if(crc16_ccitt(data[:-2]) != telem['checksum']):
print("Checksum Failed!")
sentence = telemetry_to_sentence(telem)
print("Uploading: %s"%(sentence))
habitat_upload_sentence(sentence, callsign = uploader_callsign)