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% ldpcut.m
% David Rowe 18 Dec 2013
% Octave LDPC unit test script using CML library, based on simulation
% by Bill Cowley VK5DSP
% Libraries we need
function sim_out = run_simulation(sim_in)
% Note this is effective Eb/No of payload data bits, sorta thing we
% plot on BER versus Eb/No graphs of decoded data. So if we have a
% rate 1/2 code, each codeword bit will have Eb/No - 3dB.
EbNodBvec = sim_in.EbNodBvec;
framesize = sim_in.framesize;
rate = sim_in.rate;
Ntrials = sim_in.Ntrials;
verbose = sim_in.verbose;
% Init LDPC code ------------------------------------
mod_order = 4; bps = 2;
modulation = 'QPSK';
mapping = 'gray';
demod_type = 0;
decoder_type = 0;
max_iterations = 100;
code_param = ldpc_init_wimax(rate, framesize, modulation, mod_order, mapping);
% ----------------------------------
% run simulation at each Eb/No point
% ----------------------------------
for ne = 1:length(EbNodBvec)
% Given Eb/No of payload data bits, work out Es/No we need to
% apply to each channel symbol:
% i) Each codeword bit gets noise: Eb/No - 3 (for a rate 1/2 code)
% ii) QPSK means two bits/symbol.: Es/No = Eb/No + 3
% -> which neatly cancel out ...... (at least for rate 1/2)
EsNodB = EbNodBvec(ne) + 10*log10(rate) + 10*log10(bps);
EsNo = 10^(EsNodB/10);
variance = 1/EsNo;
Tbits = Terrs = Ferrs = Terrs_raw = Tbits_raw = 0;
tx_bits = [];
tx_symbols = [];
rx_symbols = [];
% Encode a bunch of frames
for nn=1:Ntrials
atx_bits = round(rand( 1, code_param.data_bits_per_frame));
tx_bits = [tx_bits atx_bits];
[tx_codeword atx_symbols] = ldpc_enc(atx_bits, code_param);
tx_symbols = [tx_symbols atx_symbols];
rx_symbols = tx_symbols;
% Add AWGN noise, 0.5 factor splits power evenly between Re & Im
noise = sqrt(variance*0.5)*(randn(1,length(tx_symbols)) + j*randn(1,length(tx_symbols)));
rx_symbols += noise;
% Decode a bunch of frames
rx_bits_log = [];
for nn = 1: Ntrials
st = (nn-1)*code_param.symbols_per_frame + 1;
en = (nn)*code_param.symbols_per_frame;
% coded
arx_codeword = ldpc_dec(code_param, max_iterations, demod_type, decoder_type, rx_symbols(st:en), EsNo);
st = (nn-1)*code_param.data_bits_per_frame + 1;
en = (nn)*code_param.data_bits_per_frame;
error_positions = xor(arx_codeword(1:code_param.data_bits_per_frame), tx_bits(st:en));
Nerrs = sum( error_positions);
rx_bits_log = [rx_bits_log arx_codeword(1:code_param.data_bits_per_frame)];
% uncoded - to est raw BER compare first half or received frame to tx_bits as code is systematic
raw_rx_bits = [];
for s=1:code_param.symbols_per_frame*rate
raw_rx_bits = [raw_rx_bits qpsk_demod(rx_symbols(st+s-1))];
Nerrs_raw = sum(xor(raw_rx_bits, tx_bits(st:en)));
Nbits_raw = code_param.data_bits_per_frame;
if verbose == 2
% print "." if frame decoded without errors, 'x' if we can't decode
if Nerrs > 0, printf('x'), else printf('.'), end
if (rem(nn, 50)==0), printf('\n'), end
if Nerrs > 0, Ferrs = Ferrs + 1; end
Terrs += Nerrs;
Tbits += code_param.data_bits_per_frame;
Terrs_raw += Nerrs_raw;
Tbits_raw += Nbits_raw;
if verbose
printf("\nCoded EbNodB: %3.2f BER: %4.3f Tbits: %6d Terrs: %6d FER: %4.3f Tframes: %d Ferrs: %d\n",
EsNodB, Terrs/Tbits, Tbits, Terrs, Ferrs/Ntrials, Ntrials, Ferrs);
EbNodB_raw = EbNodBvec(ne) + 10*log10(rate);
printf("Raw EbNodB..: %3.2f BER: %4.3f Tbits: %6d Terrs: %6d\n",
EbNodB_raw, Terrs_raw/Tbits_raw, Tbits_raw, Terrs_raw);
sim_out.rate = rate;
sim_out.BER(ne) = Terrs/Tbits;
sim_out.PER(ne) = Ferrs/Ntrials;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
more off;
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Start CML library (see CML set up instructions in ldpc.m)
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
currentdir = pwd;
addpath '/home/david/Desktop/cml/mat' % assume the source files stored here
cd /home/david/Desktop/cml
CmlStartup % note that this is not in the cml path!
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% 1/ Simplest possible one frame simulation
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
printf("\nTest 1\n------\n");
mod_order = 4;
modulation = 'QPSK';
mapping = 'gray';
demod_type = 0;
decoder_type = 0;
max_iterations = 100;
framesize = 576*2; % CML library has a bunch of different framesizes available
rate = 1/2;
code_param = ldpc_init_wimax(rate, framesize, modulation, mod_order, mapping);
EsNo = 10; % decoder needs an estimated channel EsNo (linear ratio, not dB)
tx_bits = round(rand(1, code_param.data_bits_per_frame));
[tx_codeword, qpsk_symbols] = ldpc_enc(tx_bits, code_param);
rx_codeword = ldpc_dec(code_param, max_iterations, demod_type, decoder_type, qpsk_symbols, EsNo);
errors_positions = xor(tx_bits, rx_codeword(1:framesize*rate));
Nerr = sum(errors_positions);
printf("Nerr: %d\n\n", Nerr);
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% 2/ Run a bunch of trials at just one EsNo point
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
printf("Test 2\n------\n");
% these are inputs for Wimax mode, e.g. framesize defines code used
sim_in.rate = 0.5;
sim_in.framesize = 576*4; % long codes smooth over fades but increase latency
sim_in.verbose = 2;
sim_in.Ntrials = 100;
sim_in.EbNodBvec = 9;
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% 3/ Lets draw some Eb/No versus BER curves
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
printf("\n\nTest 3\n------\n");
sim_in.EbNodBvec = -2:10;
sim_out = run_simulation(sim_in);
EbNodB = sim_in.EbNodBvec;
uncoded_awgn_ber_theory = 0.5*erfc(sqrt(10.^(EbNodB/10)));
semilogy(EbNodB, uncoded_awgn_ber_theory,'r-+;AWGN;')
hold on;
semilogy(EbNodB, sim_out.BER+1E-10,'g-+;AWGN LDPC;');
hold off;
xlabel('Eb/No (dB)')
axis([min(EbNodB) max(EbNodB) 1E-3 1])