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% dec_pager.m
% Interactive Octave script to explore variable decimation points for low rate codecs
% Usage:
% Make sure codec2-dev is compiled with the -DDUMP option - see README for
% instructions.
% ~/codec2-dev/build_linux/src$ ./c2sim ../../raw/hts1a.raw --dump hts1a
% $ cd ~/codec2-dev/octave
% octave:14> dec_pager("../raw/hts1a.raw", "../build_linux/src/hts1a")
function dec_pager(rawfilename, samname, f=1, varargin)
more off;
Fs = 8000; rate_K_sample_freqs_kHz = [0.1:0.1:4]; K = length(rate_K_sample_freqs_kHz);
Nsam = 80;
% Number of frames (time block) we consider for sample points. There are typically
% Nt/dec = 4 samples points per block
Nt = 16;
% read in optional vector that defines sampling points for
% decimation, each entry is the frame number of a sample e.g.
% [1 8 10 12 ....
decsamfile_en = 0;
ind = arg_exists(varargin, "decsamfile");
if ind
dec_filename = varargin{ind+1};
decvec = load(dec_filename); Ndv = length(decvec);
decsamfile_en = 1;
% load up raw samples and text files dumped from c2sim -----------------------
fs = fopen(rawfilename,"rb");
Sraw = fread(fs,Inf,"short");
sn_name = strcat(samname,"_sn.txt");
Sn = load(sn_name);
sw_name = strcat(samname,"_sw.txt");
Sw = load(sw_name);
model_name = strcat(samname,"_model.txt");
model = load(model_name);
[frames tmp] = size(model);
% Keyboard loop --------------------------------------------------------------
k = ' ';
% compute rate K surface and mean energy
rate_K_surf = resample_const_rate_f(model(f:f+Nt-1,:), rate_K_sample_freqs_kHz, Fs);
rate_k_mean = mean(rate_K_surf,2);
offset = 2;
st = (f-1-offset)*Nsam + 1; en = st + Nt*Nsam - 1;
s = Sraw(st:en);
figure(1); clf;
subplot(211); plot(st:en, s); axis([st en -20000 20000]);
subplot(212); plot(f:(f+Nt-1), rate_k_mean); axis([f f+Nt-1 0 80]);
if decsamfile_en
hold on; stem(decvec, 60*ones(1,Ndv)); hold off;
% plots ----------------------------------
figure(2); clf;
axis([1 K 1 Nt 0 80])
% interactive menu ------------------------------------------
printf("\rframe: %d menu: n-next b-back", f);
k = kbhit();
if (k == 'n') && (f+2*Nt <= frames)
f = f + Nt;
if k == 'b'
f = f - Nt;
until (k == 'q')
function ind = arg_exists(v, str)
ind = 0;
for i=1:length(v)
if strcmp(v{i}, str)
ind = i;