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% nf_from_gr.m
% David Rowe Mar 2018
Calculate NF in real time from 16 bit real samples from stdin
1/ Using gqrx:
gqrx setup:
Configure I/O devices:
To switch on LNA bias for HackRF, in Configure I/O devices menu set:
Device String: hackrf,bias=1
To switch on LNA bias for airspy run for a few seconds this before starting gqrx:
$ airspy_rx -r /dev/null -f 435 -b 1
I used a sample rate of 250000 for Airspy R2, 3000000 for Airspy Mini
Input options...: start with set all gain sliders set to maximum
FFT Setting.....: freq Zoom to max
Receiver Options: On spectrum display, drag filter width until it's about 12k
Filter Shape Normal
Mode USB
Tune until tone is between 2 and 4 k
Press UDP button
Then in a Linux Term:
$ nc -ul 7355 | octave --no-gui -qf nf_from_stdio.m 48000
2/ Using command line tools. Compile airspy tools and csdr from source:
a) Airspy:
$ airspy_rx -a 6000000 -l 14 -m 15 -v 15 -r - -f 434.998 -b 1 | \
csdr convert_s16_f | csdr fir_decimate_cc 50 | csdr convert_f_s16 | \
octave --no-gui -qf ~/codec2-dev/octave/nf_from_stdio.m 120000 complex
Note: we tuned a few kHz down to put the test tone in the 2000 to 4000 Hz range.
a) HackRF:
Term 1:
$ ~/codec2-dev/octave$ nc -ul 7355 | octave --no-gui -qf nf_from_stdio.m 80000 complex
Term 2:
$ hackrf_transfer -r - -f 434995000 -s 4000000 -a 1 -p 1 -l 40 -g 32 | \
csdr convert_s8_f | csdr fir_decimate_cc 50 | csdr convert_f_s16 | \
nc localhost -u 735
Note: HackRF needed a bit of tuning to get test tone in 2000 to 4000 Hz range. This
can be tricky with the command line method, easier with gqrx.
[ ] work out why noise power st bounces around so much, signal power seems stable
[ ] reduce CPU load, in particular of plotting
graphics_toolkit ("gnuplot")
% command line arguments
arg_list = argv ();
if nargin == 0
printf("\nusage: %s FsHz [real|complex] [testToneLeveldBm]\n\n", program_name());
Fs = str2num(arg_list{1});
shorts_per_sample = 1;
if nargin == 2
if strcmp(arg_list{2}, "real")
shorts_per_sample = 1;
if strcmp(arg_list{2}, "complex")
shorts_per_sample = 2;
Pin_dB = -100; % level of input test tone
if nargin == 3
Pin_dB = str2num(arg_list{3});
printf("Fs: %d shorts_per_sample: %d Pin_dB: %f\n", Fs, shorts_per_sample, Pin_dB);
[s,c] = fread(stdin, shorts_per_sample*Fs, "short");
while c
if shorts_per_sample == 2
s = s(1:2:end)+j*s(2:2:end);
S = fft(s.*hanning(Fs));
SdB = 20*log10(abs(S));
figure(1); plot(real(s)); axis([0 Fs -3E4 3E4]);
figure(2); plot(SdB); axis([0 12000 40 160]);
% assume sine wave is between 2000 and 4000 Hz, and dominates energy in that
% region. Noise is between 5000 - 10000 Hz
sig_st = 2000; sig_en = 5000;
noise_st = 6000; noise_en = 10000;
% find peak and sum power a few bins either side, this ensure we don't capture
% too much noise as well
[pk pk_pos] = max(abs(S));
if pk_pos > 5
Pout_dB1 = 10*log10(sum(abs(S(pk_pos-5:pk_pos+5)).^2)); % Rx output power with test signal
Pout_dB1 = 0;
Pout_dB = 10*log10(sum(abs(S(sig_st:sig_en)).^2)); % Rx output power with test signal
G_dB = Pout_dB - Pin_dB; % Gain of Rx
Nout_dB = 10*log10(sum(abs(S(noise_st:noise_en)).^2)/(noise_en-noise_st)); % Rx output power with noise
Nin_dB = Nout_dB - G_dB; % Rx input power with noise
No_dB = Nin_dB; %- 10*log10(noise_en-noise_st); % Rx input power with noise in 1Hz bandwidth
NF_dB = No_dB + 174; % compare to thermal noise to get NF
printf("Pout: %4.1f %d %4.1f Nout: %4.1f G: %4.1f No: %4.1f NF: %3.1f dB\n", Pout_dB, pk_pos, Pout_dB1, Nout_dB, G_dB, No_dB, NF_dB);
[s,c] = fread(stdin, shorts_per_sample*Fs, "short");