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% ofdm_dev.m
% David Rowe April 2017
% Simulations used for development and testing of Rate Fs BPSK/QPSK
% OFDM modem.
[ ] run_sim neeeds to be refactored for coded operation at Nc=17 with UW
function [sim_out rx states] = run_sim(sim_in)
% set up core modem constants
states = ofdm_init(sim_in.bps, sim_in.Rs, sim_in.Tcp, sim_in.Ns, sim_in.Nc);
Nbitspervocframe = 28;
% simulation parameters and flags
woffset = 2*pi*sim_in.foff_hz/Fs;
dwoffset = 0;
if isfield(sim_in, "dfoff_hz_per_sec")
dwoffset = 2*pi*sim_in.dfoff_hz_per_sec/(Fs*Fs);
EbNodB = sim_in.EbNodB;
verbose = states.verbose = sim_in.verbose;
hf_en = sim_in.hf_en;
timing_en = states.timing_en = sim_in.timing_en;
states.foff_est_en = foff_est_en = sim_in.foff_est_en;
states.phase_est_en = phase_est_en = sim_in.phase_est_en;
if hf_en
assert(phase_est_en == 1, "\nNo point running HF simulation without phase est!!\n");
if isfield(sim_in, "high_doppler")
states.high_doppler = sim_in.high_doppler;
if isfield(sim_in, "diversity_en")
diversity_en = sim_in.diversity_en;
diversity_en = 0;
if verbose == 2
printf("Rs:..........: %4.2f\n", Rs);
printf("M:...........: %d\n", M);
printf("Ncp:.........: %d\n", Ncp);
printf("bps:.........: %d\n", bps);
printf("Nbitsperframe: %d\n", Nbitsperframe);
printf("Nrowsperframe: %d\n", Nrowsperframe);
printf("Nsamperframe.: %d\n", Nsamperframe);
% Important to define run time in seconds so HF model will evolve the same way
% for different pilot insertion rates. So lets work backwards from approx
% seconds in run to get Nbits, the total number of payload data bits
Nrows = sim_in.Nsec*Rs;
Nframes = floor((Nrows-1)/Ns);
% if we are interleaving over multiple frames, adjust Nframes so we have an integer number
% of interleaver frames in simulation
interleave_en = 0;
if isfield(sim_in, "interleave_frames")
interleave_frames = sim_in.interleave_frames;
Nframes = interleave_frames*round(Nframes/interleave_frames);
interleave_en = 1;
Nbits = Nframes * Nbitsperframe; % number of payload data bits
Nr = Nbits/(Nc*bps); % Number of data rows to get Nbits total
% double check if Nbits fit neatly into carriers
assert(Nbits/(Nc*bps) == floor(Nbits/(Nc*bps)), "Nbits/(Nc*bps) must be an integer");
Nrp = Nr + Nframes + 1; % number of rows once pilots inserted
% extra row of pilots at end
if verbose == 2
printf("Nc...........: %d\n", Nc);
printf("Ns...........: %d (step size for pilots, Ns-1 data symbols between pilots)\n", Ns);
printf("Nr...........: %d\n", Nr);
printf("Nbits........: %d\n", Nbits);
printf("Nframes......: %d\n", Nframes);
if interleave_en
printf("Interleave fr: %d\n", interleave_frames);
printf("Nrp..........: %d (number of rows including pilots)\n", Nrp);
% Optional LPDC code -----------------------------------------------
ldpc_en = states.ldpc_en = sim_in.ldpc_en;
if sim_in.ldpc_en
assert(bps == 2, "Only QPSK supported for LDPC so far.....");
HRA = sim_in.ldpc_code;
[aNr aNc] = size(HRA);
rate = states.rate = (aNc-aNr)/aNc;
Ndatabitsperframe = Nbitsperframe;
assert(aNc == Ndatabitsperframe, "Dude: Num cols of LDPC HRA must == Nbitsperframe");
[H_rows, H_cols] = Mat2Hrows(HRA);
code_param.H_rows = H_rows;
code_param.H_cols = H_cols;
code_param.P_matrix = [];
code_param.data_bits_per_frame = length(code_param.H_cols) - length( code_param.P_matrix );
code_param.code_bits_per_frame = aNc;
assert(aNr == Ndatabitsperframe*rate);
modulation = states.ldpc_modulation = 'QPSK';
mapping = states.ldpc_mapping = 'gray';
demod_type = states.ldpc_demod_type = 0;
decoder_type = states.ldpc_decoder_type = 0;
max_iterations = states.ldpc_max_iterations = 100;
code_param.S_matrix = CreateConstellation( modulation, 4, mapping );
states.code_param = code_param;
elseif diversity_en
rate = 0.5;
rate = 1;
% set up HF model ---------------------------------------------------------------
if hf_en
% some typical values, or replace with user supplied
dopplerSpreadHz = 1.0; path_delay_ms = 1;
if isfield(sim_in, "dopplerSpreadHz")
dopplerSpreadHz = sim_in.dopplerSpreadHz;
if isfield(sim_in, "path_delay_ms")
path_delay_ms = sim_in.path_delay_ms;
path_delay_samples = path_delay_ms*Fs/1000;
printf("Doppler Spread: %3.2f Hz Path Delay: %3.2f ms %d samples\n", dopplerSpreadHz, path_delay_ms, path_delay_samples);
% generate same fading pattern for every run
spread1 = doppler_spread(dopplerSpreadHz, Fs, Nrp*(M+Ncp)*1.1);
spread2 = doppler_spread(dopplerSpreadHz, Fs, Nrp*(M+Ncp)*1.1);
% sometimes doppler_spread() doesn't return exactly the number of samples we need
assert(length(spread1) >= Nrp*(M+Ncp), "not enough doppler spreading samples");
assert(length(spread2) >= Nrp*(M+Ncp), "not enough doppler spreading samples");
% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% simulate for each Eb/No point
% ------------------------------------------------------------------
for nn=1:length(EbNodB)
EsNo = rate * bps * (10 .^ (EbNodB(nn)/10));
variance = 1/(M*EsNo/2);
Nsam = Nrp*(M+Ncp);
% generate tx bits, optionaly LDPC encode, and modulate as QPSK symbols
% note for reasons unknown LdpcEncode() returns garbage if we use > 0.5 rather than round()
%tx_data_bits = round(rand(1,Nbits*rate));
% std test frame so we can x-check
tx_data_bits = create_ldpc_test_frame(states, ldpc_en);
tx_bits = []; tx_symbols = [];
for f=1:Nframes
st = (f-1)*Nbitsperframe*rate+1; en = st + Nbitsperframe*rate - 1;
if ldpc_en
codeword = LdpcEncode(tx_data_bits(st:en), code_param.H_rows, code_param.P_matrix);
elseif diversity_en
% Nc carriers, so Nc*bps bits/row coded, or Nc*bps*rate data bits that we repeat
codeword = [];
for rr=1:Ns-1
st1 = st + (rr-1)*Nc*bps*rate; en1 = st1 + Nc*bps*rate - 1;
codeword = [codeword tx_data_bits(st1:en1) tx_data_bits(st1:en1)];
assert(length(codeword) == Nbitsperframe);
% uncoded mode
codeword = tx_data_bits;
if isfield(sim_in, "uw_debug")
codeword(states.uw_ind) = states.tx_uw;
tx_bits = [tx_bits codeword];
for b=1:2:Nbitsperframe
tx_symbols = [tx_symbols qpsk_mod(codeword(b:b+1))];
% optional interleaving over multiple frames
if interleave_en
for f=1:interleave_frames:Nframes
st = (f-1)*Nbitsperframe/bps+1; en = st + Nbitsperframe*interleave_frames/bps - 1;
tx_symbols(st:en) = gp_interleave(tx_symbols(st:en));
% OFDM transmitter
tx = [];
for f=1:Nframes
st = (f-1)*Nbitsperframe/bps+1; en = st + Nbitsperframe/bps - 1;
tx = [tx ofdm_txframe(states, tx_symbols(st:en))];
% add extra row of pilots at end, to allow one frame simulations,
% useful for development
st = Nsamperframe*(Nframes-1)+1; en = st+Ncp+M-1;
tx = [tx tx(st:en)];
assert(length(tx) == Nsam);
% channel simulation ---------------------------------------------------------------
if isfield(sim_in, "sample_clock_offset_ppm")
% todo: this only works for large ppm like 500, runs out of memory
% for small ppm
if sim_in.sample_clock_offset_ppm
timebase = floor(abs(1E6/sim_in.sample_clock_offset_ppm));
if sim_in.sample_clock_offset_ppm > 0
tx = resample(tx, timebase+1, timebase);
tx = resample(tx, timebase, timebase+1);
% make sure length is correct for rest of simulation
tx = [tx zeros(1,Nsam-length(tx))];
tx = tx(1:Nsam);
rx = tx;
if hf_en
rx = tx(1:Nsam) .* spread1(1:Nsam);
rx += [zeros(1,path_delay_samples) tx(1:Nsam-path_delay_samples)] .* spread2(1:Nsam);
% normalise rx power to same as tx
nom_rx_pwr = 2/(Ns*(M*M)) + Nc/(M*M);
rx_pwr = var(rx);
rx *= sqrt(nom_rx_pwr/rx_pwr);
phase_offset = woffset*(1:Nsam) + 0.5*dwoffset*((1:Nsam).^2);
rx = rx .* exp(j*phase_offset);
if isfield(sim_in, "initial_noise_sams")
rx = [zeros(1, sim_in.initial_noise_sams) rx];
Nsam = length(rx);
noise = sqrt(variance)*(0.5*randn(1,Nsam) + j*0.5*randn(1,Nsam));
snrdB = 10*log10(var(rx)/var(noise)) + 10*log10(8000) - 10*log10(3000);
rx += noise;
% interfering carrier
% rx += 0.04*cos((1:length(rx))*states.w(10));
% gain
rx *= sim_in.gain;
% some spare samples at end to avoid overflow as est windows may poke into the future a bit
rx = [rx zeros(1,Nsamperframe)];
% optional save raw file
if 1
sraw = real(rx*5000);
fraw = fopen("ofdm_dev.raw", "wb");
fwrite(fraw, sraw, "short");
% bunch of logs
phase_est_pilot_log = [];
delta_t_log = [];
timing_est_log = [];
foff_est_hz_log = [];
Nerrs_log = []; Nerrs_coded_log = [];
rx_bits = []; rx_np = []; rx_amp = [];
sig_var_log = []; noise_var_log = [];
uw_errors_log = [];
% reset some states for each EbNo simulation point
states.sample_point = states.timing_est = 1;
if timing_en == 0
states.sample_point = Ncp;
states.nin = Nsamperframe;
states.foff_est_hz = 0;
% for this simulation we "prime" buffer to allow one frame runs during development
prx = 1;
states.rxbuf(M+Ncp+2*Nsamperframe+1:Nrxbuf) = rx(prx:Nsamperframe+2*(M+Ncp));
prx += Nsamperframe+2*(M+Ncp);
for f=1:Nframes
% insert samples at end of buffer, set to zero if no samples
% available to disable phase estimation on future pilots on last
% frame of simulation
lnew = min(Nsam-prx,states.nin);
rxbuf_in = zeros(1,states.nin);
if lnew
rxbuf_in(1:lnew) = rx(prx:prx+lnew-1);
prx += states.nin;
[arx_bits states aphase_est_pilot_log arx_np arx_amp] = ofdm_demod(states, rxbuf_in);
rx_bits = [rx_bits arx_bits]; rx_np = [rx_np arx_np]; rx_amp = [rx_amp arx_amp];
% note: only supported in ldpc_en = 0 Nc=17 atm, see debug_false_sync()
if isfield(sim_in, "uw_debug")
rx_uw = arx_bits(states.uw_ind);
uw_errors = sum(xor(states.tx_uw,rx_uw));
if verbose
printf("f: %d uw_errors: %d\n", f, uw_errors);
uw_errors_log = [uw_errors_log uw_errors];
timing_est_log = [timing_est_log states.timing_est];
delta_t_log = [delta_t_log states.delta_t];
foff_est_hz_log = [foff_est_hz_log states.foff_est_hz];
phase_est_pilot_log = [phase_est_pilot_log; aphase_est_pilot_log];
sig_var_log = [sig_var_log states.sig_var];
noise_var_log = [noise_var_log states.noise_var];
assert(length(rx_bits) == Nbits);
% Optional de-interleave on rx QPSK symbols
if interleave_en
for f=1:interleave_frames:Nframes
st = (f-1)*Nbitsperframe/bps+1; en = st + Nbitsperframe*interleave_frames/bps - 1;
rx_np(st:en) = gp_deinterleave(rx_np(st:en));
rx_amp(st:en) = gp_deinterleave(rx_amp(st:en));
% Calculate raw BER/PER stats, after pilots extracted. As we may
% have used interleaving, we qpsk_demod() here rather than using
% rx_bits from ofdm_demod()
rx_bits = zeros(1, Nbits);
for s=1:Nbits/bps
rx_bits(2*(s-1)+1:2*s) = qpsk_demod(rx_np(s));
errors = xor(tx_bits, rx_bits);
Terrs = sum(errors);
Tpackets = Tpacketerrs = 0;
Nvocframes = floor(Nbits/Nbitspervocframe);
for fv=1:Nvocframes
st = (fv-1)*Nbitspervocframe + 1;
en = st + Nbitspervocframe - 1;
Nvocpacketerrs = sum(xor(tx_bits(st:en), rx_bits(st:en)));
if Nvocpacketerrs
% Per-modem frame error log and optional LDPC/diversity error stats
Terrs_coded = 0; Tpackets_coded = 0; Tpacketerrs_coded = 0; sim_out.error_positions = [];
for f=1:Nframes
st = (f-1)*Nbitsperframe+1; en = st + Nbitsperframe - 1;
Nerrs_log(f) = sum(xor(tx_bits(st:en), rx_bits(st:en)));
st = (f-1)*Nbitsperframe/bps + 1;
en = st + Nbitsperframe/bps - 1;
r = rx_np(st:en); fade = rx_amp(st:en);
% optional LDPC decode
if ldpc_en
% scale based on amplitude ests
mean_amp = states.mean_amp;
rx_codeword = ldpc_dec(code_param, max_iterations, demod_type, decoder_type, r/mean_amp, min(EsNo,30), fade/mean_amp);
% optional diversity demod
if diversity_en
rx_codeword = [];
for rr=1:Ns-1
for c=1:Nc/2
s = (rr-1)*Nc + c;
rx_codeword = [rx_codeword qpsk_demod(r(s)+r(s+Nc/2))];
assert(length(rx_codeword) == Nbitsperframe*rate);
% running coded BER calcs
if ldpc_en || diversity_en
st = (f-1)*Nbitsperframe*rate + 1;
en = st + Nbitsperframe*rate - 1;
errors = xor(tx_data_bits(st:en), rx_codeword(1:Nbitsperframe*rate));
Nerrs_coded = sum(errors);
Nerrs_coded_log(f) = Nerrs_coded;
Terrs_coded += Nerrs_coded;
sim_out.error_positions = [sim_out.error_positions errors];
% PER based on vocoder packet size, not sure it makes much
% difference compared to using all bits in LDPC code for
% packet
atx_data_bits = tx_data_bits(st:en);
Nvocframes = Nbitsperframe*rate/Nbitspervocframe;
for fv=1:Nvocframes
st = (fv-1)*Nbitspervocframe + 1;
en = st + Nbitspervocframe - 1;
Nvocpacketerrs = sum(xor(atx_data_bits(st:en), rx_codeword(st:en)));
if Nvocpacketerrs
% print results of this simulation point to the console
if verbose
if ldpc_en || diversity_en
printf("Coded EbNodB: % -4.1f BER: %5.4f Tbits: %5d Terrs: %5d PER: %5.4f Tpackets: %5d Tpacket_errs: %5d\n",
EbNodB(nn), Terrs_coded/(Nbits*rate), Nbits*rate, Terrs_coded,
Tpacketerrs_coded/Tpackets_coded, Tpackets_coded, Tpacketerrs_coded);
EbNodB_raw = EbNodB(nn) + 10*log10(rate);
printf("Raw EbNodB..: % -4.1f BER: %5.4f Tbits: %5d Terrs: %5d PER: %5.4f Tpackets: %5d Tpacket_errs: %5d\n",
EbNodB_raw, Terrs/Nbits, Nbits, Terrs,
Tpacketerrs/Tpackets, Tpackets, Tpacketerrs);
EsNo = mean(sig_var_log)/mean(noise_var_log);
%printf("Es/No est dB: % -4.1f\n", 10*log10(EsNo));
sim_out.snrdB(nn) = snrdB;
sim_out.snr_estdB(nn) = 10*log10(EsNo) + 10*log10(Nc*Rs/3000);
% returns results for plotting curves
if ldpc_en || diversity_en
sim_out.ber(nn) = Terrs_coded/(Nbits*rate);
sim_out.per(nn) = Tpacketerrs_coded/Tpackets_coded;
sim_out.ber(nn) = Terrs/Nbits;
sim_out.per(nn) = Tpacketerrs/Tpackets;
sim_out.uw_errors_log = uw_errors_log;
% Optional plots, mostly used with run-single
if verbose
figure(1); clf;
%axis([-2 2 -2 2]);
figure(2); clf;
plot(phase_est_pilot_log,'g+', 'markersize', 5);
title('Phase est');
axis([1 Nrp -pi pi]);
figure(3); clf;
title('delta t');
title('timing est');
figure(4); clf;
axis([1 max(Nframes,2) -3 3]);
title('Fine Freq');
figure(5); clf;
if ldpc_en
title("Uncoded BER/frame");
title("Coded BER/frame");
Tx = abs(fft(rx(1:Nsam).*hanning(Nsam)'));
Tx_dB = 20*log10(Tx);
dF = Fs/Nsam;
plot((1:Nsam)*dF, Tx_dB);
mx = max(Tx_dB);
axis([0 Fs/2 mx-60 mx])
figure(7); clf;
hold on;
snr_estdB = 10*log10(sig_var_log) - 10*log10(noise_var_log) + 10*log10(Nc*Rs/3000);
snr_est_smoothed_dB = filter(0.1,[1 -0.9],snr_estdB);
plot(snr_est_smoothed_dB,'c;SNR3k smooth;');
hold off;
title('Signal and Noise Power estimates');
if hf_en
figure(4); clf;
%hold on; plot(abs(spread2(1:Nsam)),'g'); hold off;
title('spread1 amp and phase');
% todo, work out a way to plot rate Fs hf model phase
if sim_in.hf_en
function run_single(EbNodB = 100, error_pattern_filename);
Ts = 0.018; sim_in.Tcp = 0.002;
sim_in.Rs = 1/Ts; sim_in.bps = 2; sim_in.Nc = 16; sim_in.Ns = 8;
sim_in.high_doppler = 0;
sim_in.Nsec = (sim_in.Ns+1)/sim_in.Rs; % one frame, make sure sim_in.interleave_frames = 1
sim_in.Nsec = 120;
sim_in.EbNodB = 20;
sim_in.verbose = 1;
sim_in.dopplerSpreadHz = 1;
sim_in.path_delay_ms = 1;
sim_in.hf_en = 1;
sim_in.foff_hz = 0;
sim_in.dfoff_hz_per_sec = 0.00;
sim_in.sample_clock_offset_ppm = 0;
sim_in.gain = 1;
sim_in.timing_en = 0;
sim_in.foff_est_en = 0;
sim_in.phase_est_en = 1;
load HRA_112_112.txt
sim_in.ldpc_code = HRA_112_112;
sim_in.ldpc_en = 0;
sim_in.interleave_frames = 1;
%sim_in.diversity_en = 1;
sim_out = run_sim(sim_in);
if nargin == 2
fep = fopen(error_pattern_filename, "wb");
fwrite(fep, sim_out.error_positions, "short");
% Plot BER and PER curves for AWGN and HF:
% i) BER/PER against Eb/No for various coding schemes
% ii) BER/PER against Eb/No showing Pilot/CP overhead
% iii) BER/PER against SNR, with pilot/CP overhead, comparing 700C
function run_curves
% waveform
Ts = 0.018; sim_in.Tcp = 0.002;
sim_in.Rs = 1/Ts; sim_in.bps = 2; sim_in.Nc = 16; sim_in.Ns = 8;
pilot_overhead = (sim_in.Ns-1)/sim_in.Ns;
cp_overhead = Ts/(Ts+sim_in.Tcp);
overhead_dB = -10*log10(pilot_overhead*cp_overhead);
% simulation parameters
sim_in.verbose = 0;
sim_in.foff_hz = 0;
sim_in.gain = 1;
sim_in.timing_en = 1;
sim_in.foff_est_en = 1;
sim_in.phase_est_en = 1;
load HRA_112_112.txt
sim_in.ldpc_code = HRA_112_112;
sim_in.ldpc_en = 0;
sim_in.hf_en = 0;
sim_in.Nsec = 20;
sim_in.EbNodB = 0:8;
awgn_EbNodB = sim_in.EbNodB;
awgn_theory = 0.5*erfc(sqrt(10.^(sim_in.EbNodB/10)));
awgn = run_sim(sim_in);
sim_in.ldpc_en = 1; awgn_ldpc = run_sim(sim_in);
% Note for HF sim you really need >= 60 seconds (at Rs-50) to get sensible results c.f. theory
sim_in.hf_en = 1; sim_in.ldpc_en = 0;
sim_in.Nsec = 60;
sim_in.EbNodB = 4:2:14;
EbNoLin = 10.^(sim_in.EbNodB/10);
hf_theory = 0.5.*(1-sqrt(EbNoLin./(EbNoLin+1)));
hf = run_sim(sim_in);
sim_in.diversity_en = 1; hf_diversity = run_sim(sim_in); sim_in.diversity_en = 0;
sim_in.ldpc_en = 1; hf_ldpc = run_sim(sim_in);
% try a few interleavers
sim_in.interleave_frames = 1; hf_ldpc_1 = run_sim(sim_in);
sim_in.interleave_frames = 8; hf_ldpc_8 = run_sim(sim_in);
sim_in.interleave_frames = 16; hf_ldpc_16 = run_sim(sim_in);
sim_in.interleave_frames = 32; hf_ldpc_32 = run_sim(sim_in);
% Rate Fs modem BER curves of various coding schemes
figure(1); clf;
semilogy(awgn_EbNodB, awgn_theory,'b+-;AWGN theory;');
hold on;
semilogy(sim_in.EbNodB, hf_theory,'b+-;HF theory;');
semilogy(awgn_EbNodB, awgn.ber,'r+-;AWGN;');
semilogy(sim_in.EbNodB, hf.ber,'r+-;HF;');
semilogy(sim_in.EbNodB, hf_diversity.ber,'ro-;HF diversity;');
semilogy(awgn_EbNodB, awgn_ldpc.ber,'c+-;AWGN LDPC (224,112);');
semilogy(sim_in.EbNodB, hf_ldpc.ber,'c+-;HF LDPC (224,112);');
semilogy(sim_in.EbNodB, hf_ldpc_1.ber,'m+-;HF LDPC (224,112) interleave 1;');
semilogy(sim_in.EbNodB, hf_ldpc_8.ber,'g+-;HF LDPC (224,112) interleave 8;');
semilogy(sim_in.EbNodB, hf_ldpc_16.ber,'k+-;HF LDPC (224,112) interleave 16;');
semilogy(sim_in.EbNodB, hf_ldpc_32.ber,'k+-;HF LDPC (224,112) interleave 32;');
hold off;
axis([0 14 1E-3 2E-1])
xlabel('Eb/No (dB)');
grid; grid minor on;
legend("location", "southwest");
title('Rate Fs modem BER for various FEC coding schemes');
print('-deps', '-color', "ofdm_dev_ber_coding.eps")
awgn_per_theory = 1 - (1-awgn_theory).^28;
hf_per_theory = 1 - (1-hf_theory).^28;
% Rate Fs modem PER curves of various coding schemes
figure(2); clf;
semilogy(awgn_EbNodB, awgn_per_theory,'b+-;AWGN theory;');
hold on;
semilogy(sim_in.EbNodB, hf_per_theory,'b+-;HF theory;');
semilogy(awgn_EbNodB, awgn.per,'r+-;AWGN;');
semilogy(sim_in.EbNodB, hf.per,'r+-;HF sim;');
semilogy(sim_in.EbNodB, hf_diversity.per,'ro-;HF diversity;');
semilogy(awgn_EbNodB, awgn_ldpc.per,'c+-;AWGN LDPC (224,112);');
semilogy(sim_in.EbNodB, hf_ldpc.per,'c+-;HF LDPC (224,112);');
semilogy(sim_in.EbNodB, hf_ldpc_1.per,'m+-;HF LDPC (224,112) interleave 1;');
semilogy(sim_in.EbNodB, hf_ldpc_8.per,'g+-;HF LDPC (224,112) interleave 8;');
semilogy(sim_in.EbNodB, hf_ldpc_16.per,'ko-;HF LDPC (224,112) interleave 16;');
semilogy(sim_in.EbNodB, hf_ldpc_32.per,'k+-;HF LDPC (224,112) interleave 32;');
hold off;
axis([0 14 1E-2 1])
xlabel('Eb/No (dB)');
grid; grid minor on;
legend("location", "southwest");
title('Rate Fs modem PER for various FEC coding schemes');
print('-deps', '-color', "ofdm_dev_per_coding.eps")
% Rate Fs modem pilot/CP overhead BER curves
figure(3); clf;
semilogy(awgn_EbNodB, awgn_theory,'b+-;AWGN theory;');
hold on;
semilogy(sim_in.EbNodB, hf_theory,'b+-;HF theory;');
semilogy(awgn_EbNodB+overhead_dB, awgn_theory,'g+-;AWGN lower bound pilot + CP;');
semilogy(sim_in.EbNodB+overhead_dB, hf_theory,'g+-;HF lower bound pilot + CP;');
semilogy(awgn_EbNodB+overhead_dB, awgn.ber,'r+-;AWGN sim;');
semilogy(sim_in.EbNodB+overhead_dB, hf.ber,'r+-;HF sim;');
hold off;
axis([0 14 1E-3 2E-1])
xlabel('Eb/No (dB)');
grid; grid minor on;
legend("location", "southwest");
title('Rate Fs modem BER Pilot/Cyclic Prefix overhead');
print('-deps', '-color', "ofdm_dev_ber_overhead.eps")
% Rate Fs modem pilot/CP overhead PER curves
figure(4); clf;
semilogy(awgn_EbNodB, awgn_per_theory,'b+-;AWGN theory;','markersize', 10, 'linewidth', 2);
hold on;
semilogy(sim_in.EbNodB, hf_per_theory,'b+-;HF theory;','markersize', 10, 'linewidth', 2);
semilogy(awgn_EbNodB+overhead_dB, awgn_per_theory,'g+-;AWGN lower bound pilot + CP;','markersize', 10, 'linewidth', 2);
semilogy(sim_in.EbNodB+overhead_dB, hf_per_theory,'g+-;HF lower bound pilot + CP;','markersize', 10, 'linewidth', 2);
semilogy(awgn_EbNodB+overhead_dB, awgn.per,'r+-;AWGN sim;','markersize', 10, 'linewidth', 2);
semilogy(sim_in.EbNodB+overhead_dB, hf.per,'r+-;HF sim;','markersize', 10, 'linewidth', 2);
hold off;
axis([0 14 1E-2 1])
xlabel('Eb/No (dB)');
grid; grid minor on;
legend("location", "southwest");
title('Rate Fs modem PER Pilot/Cyclic Prefix overhead');
print('-deps', '-color', "ofdm_dev_per_overhead.eps")
% SNR including pilots, CP, and 700C est
snr_awgn_theory = awgn_EbNodB + 10*log10(700/3000);
snr_hf_theory = sim_in.EbNodB + 10*log10(700/3000);
snr_awgn = snr_awgn_theory + overhead_dB;
snr_hf = sim_in.EbNodB + 10*log10(700/3000) + overhead_dB;
% est 700C: 2/6 symbols are pilots, 1dB implementation loss
snr_awgn_700c = awgn_EbNodB + 10*log10(700/3000) + 10*log10(6/4) + 1;
snr_hf_700c = sim_in.EbNodB + 10*log10(700/3000) + 10*log10(6/4) + 1;
figure(5); clf;
semilogy(snr_awgn_theory, awgn_theory,'b+-;AWGN theory;','markersize', 10, 'linewidth', 2);
hold on;
semilogy(snr_awgn_700c, awgn_theory,'g+-;AWGN 700C;','markersize', 10, 'linewidth', 2);
semilogy(snr_hf_700c, hf_diversity.ber,'go-;HF 700C;','markersize', 10, 'linewidth', 2);
semilogy(snr_hf_theory, hf_theory,'b+-;HF theory;','markersize', 10, 'linewidth', 2);
semilogy(snr_awgn, awgn_ldpc.ber,'c+-;AWGN LDPC (224,112);','markersize', 10, 'linewidth', 2);
semilogy(snr_hf, hf_ldpc.ber,'c+-;HF LDPC (224,112);','markersize', 10, 'linewidth', 2);
semilogy(snr_hf, hf_diversity.ber,'bo-;HF diversity;','markersize', 10, 'linewidth', 2);
semilogy(snr_hf, hf_ldpc_16.ber,'k+-;HF LDPC (224,112) interleave 16;','markersize', 10, 'linewidth', 2);
hold off;
axis([-5 8 1E-3 2E-1])
xlabel('SNR (3000Hz noise BW) (dB)');
grid; grid minor on;
legend("location", "southwest");
title('Rate Fs modem BER versus SNR including pilot/CP overhead');
print('-deps', '-color', "ofdm_dev_ber_snr.eps")
% Plot BER and PER curves for AWGN and HF with various estimators
function run_curves_estimators
Nsec_awgn = 20;
Nsec_hf = 60;
% waveform
Ts = 0.018; sim_in.Tcp = 0.002;
sim_in.Rs = 1/Ts; sim_in.bps = 2; sim_in.Nc = 16; sim_in.Ns = 8;
% simulation parameters
sim_in.verbose = 0; sim_in.foff_hz = 0; sim_in.ldpc_en = 0;
sim_in.phase_est_en = 1;
sim_in.timing_en = sim_in.foff_est_en = 0;
% AWGN simulations
sim_in.hf_en = 0; sim_in.Nsec = Nsec_awgn; sim_in.EbNodB = 0:2:6;
sim_in.timing_en = sim_in.foff_est_en = 0;
awgn_EbNodB = sim_in.EbNodB;
awgn_theory = 0.5*erfc(sqrt(10.^(sim_in.EbNodB/10)));
awgn = run_sim(sim_in);
sim_in.timing_en = 1; awgn_timing = run_sim(sim_in);
sim_in.foff_est_en = 1; awgn_foff_est = run_sim(sim_in);
sim_in.dfoff_hz_per_sec = 0.02; awgn_dfoff = run_sim(sim_in);
% HF simulations
sim_in.hf_en = 1; sim_in.Nsec = Nsec_hf; sim_in.EbNodB = 4:2:8;
sim_in.timing_en = sim_in.foff_est_en = 0;
EbNoLin = 10.^(sim_in.EbNodB/10);
hf_theory = 0.5.*(1-sqrt(EbNoLin./(EbNoLin+1)));
hf = run_sim(sim_in);
sim_in.timing_en = 1; hf_timing = run_sim(sim_in);
sim_in.timing_en = 0; sim_in.foff_est_en = 1; hf_foff_est = run_sim(sim_in);
sim_in.timing_en = 1; hf_timing_foff_est = run_sim(sim_in);
sim_in.dfoff_hz_per_sec = 0.02; hf_dfoff = run_sim(sim_in); sim_in.dfoff_hz_per_sec = 0.0;
figure(1); clf;
semilogy(awgn_EbNodB, awgn_theory,'b+-;AWGN theory;');
hold on;
semilogy(awgn_EbNodB, awgn.ber,'r+-;AWGN phase;');
semilogy(awgn_EbNodB, awgn_timing.ber,'go-;AWGN phase+timing;');
semilogy(awgn_EbNodB, awgn_foff_est.ber,'d+-;AWGN phase+timing+foff_est;');
semilogy(awgn_EbNodB, awgn_dfoff.ber,'m+-;AWGN all + 0.02Hz/s drift;');
semilogy(sim_in.EbNodB, hf_theory,'b+-;HF theory;');
semilogy(sim_in.EbNodB, hf.ber,'r+-;HF phase;');
semilogy(sim_in.EbNodB, hf_timing.ber,'go-;HF phase+timing;');
semilogy(sim_in.EbNodB, hf_timing_foff_est.ber,'kd-;HF phase+foff_est;');
semilogy(sim_in.EbNodB, hf_foff_est.ber,'c+-;HF phase+timing+foff_est;');
semilogy(sim_in.EbNodB, hf_dfoff.ber,'m+-;HF + 0.02Hz/s drift;');
hold off;
axis([0 8 5E-3 1E-1])
xlabel('Eb/No (dB)');
grid; grid minor on;
legend("location", "southeast");
title('Rate Fs modem BER with estimators');
print('-deps', '-color', "ofdm_dev_estimators.eps")
% Simulate different HF path delays
sim_in.hf_en = 1; sim_in.Nsec = Nsec_hf; sim_in.EbNodB = 4:2:8;
sim_in.timing_en = sim_in.foff_est_en = 0;
sim_in.path_delay_ms = 0; hf0 = run_sim(sim_in);
sim_in.path_delay_ms = 0.5; hf500us = run_sim(sim_in);
sim_in.path_delay_ms = 1; hf1ms = run_sim(sim_in);
sim_in.path_delay_ms = 2; hf2ms = run_sim(sim_in);
figure(2); clf;
semilogy(sim_in.EbNodB, hf_theory,'b+-;HF theory;');
hold on;
semilogy(sim_in.EbNodB, hf0.ber,'r+-;HF phase 0 ms;');
semilogy(sim_in.EbNodB, hf500us.ber,'g+-;HF phase 0.5 ms;');
semilogy(sim_in.EbNodB, hf1ms.ber,'c+-;HF phase 1 ms;');
semilogy(sim_in.EbNodB, hf2ms.ber,'k+-;HF phase 2 ms;');
hold off;
axis([3 9 1E-2 1E-1])
xlabel('Eb/No (dB)');
grid; grid minor on;
legend("location", "southeast");
title('Rate Fs modem BER across HF path delay');
print('-deps', '-color', "ofdm_dev_estimators.eps")
% Plot SNR actual and estimated for various channels
% Note no acquistion, as this can upset results, e.g. if
% sync is lost. We average SNR over entire run, in practice
% there will be some sort of IIR averager.
function run_curves_snr
Nsec_awgn = 30;
Nsec_hf = 60;
% waveform
Ts = 0.018; sim_in.Tcp = 0.002;
sim_in.Rs = 1/Ts; sim_in.bps = 2; sim_in.Nc = 16; sim_in.Ns = 8;
% simulation parameters
sim_in.verbose = 1; sim_in.foff_hz = 0; sim_in.ldpc_en = 0; sim_in.gain = 1;
sim_in.phase_est_en = sim_in.timing_en = sim_in.foff_est_en = 1;
% AWGN simulation
sim_in.EbNodB = 0:3:12;
sim_in.hf_en = 0; sim_in.Nsec = Nsec_awgn;
awgn = run_sim(sim_in);
% HF simulations
sim_in.hf_en = 1; sim_in.Nsec = Nsec_hf; sim_in.dopplerSpreadHz = 1; hf_fast = run_sim(sim_in);
sim_in.dopplerSpreadHz = 0.5; hf_mid = run_sim(sim_in);
sim_in.dopplerSpreadHz = 0.2; hf_slow = run_sim(sim_in);
figure(1); clf;
plot(sim_in.EbNodB, awgn.snrdB,'b+-;AWGN SNR;');
hold on;
plot(sim_in.EbNodB, awgn.snr_estdB ,'g+-;AWGN SNR est;');
plot(sim_in.EbNodB, hf_slow.snr_estdB,'k+-;HF 0.2 Hz SNR est;');
plot(sim_in.EbNodB, hf_mid.snr_estdB ,'r+-;HF 0.5 Hz SNR est;');
plot(sim_in.EbNodB, hf_fast.snr_estdB,'c+-;HF 1.0 Hz SNR est;');
hold off;
xlabel('Eb/No (dB)');
ylabel('SNR (dB)');
title('SNR Actual and Estimated');
legend("location", "northwest");
print('-deps', '-color', "ofdm_dev_snr.eps")
% Run an acquisition test, returning vectors of estimation errors.
% Generates a vector of noise followed by continous rx signal to
% simulate signal starting. Freq est will improve over time as we
% have an averaging statistic. We then measure how long it takes to
% get good timing and freq estimates.
function [delta_ct delta_foff timing_mx_log] = acquisition_test(Ntests=10, EbNodB=100, foff_hz=0, hf_en=0, verbose=0)
Ts = 0.018;
sim_in.Tcp = 0.002;
sim_in.Rs = 1/Ts; sim_in.bps = 2; sim_in.Nc = 17; sim_in.Ns = 8;
sim_in.Nsec = (Ntests+1)*(sim_in.Ns+1)/sim_in.Rs;
1) uncoded modem operating point, e.g -1dB for AWGN
2) run_sim adds complex noise, when we take the real() below, this relects
the -ve noise over to the +ve side, increasing the noise by 3dB. In
ofdm_tx.m and friends, we add real nosie that is correctly scaled so
no problemo. This means we need to increase the Eb/No below by 3dB
to ensure the correct level of nosie ta the input of the timing_est.
sim_in.EbNodB = EbNodB + 3;
sim_in.verbose = 0;
sim_in.hf_en = hf_en;
sim_in.foff_hz = foff_hz;
sim_in.gain = 1;
sim_in.timing_en = 1;
sim_in.foff_est_en = 1;
sim_in.phase_est_en = 1;
sim_in.ldpc_en = 0;
% optionally stick a bunch of noise in front of signal to confuse things
sim_in.initial_noise_sams = 0;
[sim_out rx states] = run_sim(sim_in);
states.verbose = verbose;
% set up acquistion
Nsamperframe = states.Nsamperframe; M = states.M; Ncp = states.Ncp;
rate_fs_pilot_samples = states.rate_fs_pilot_samples;
% test fine or acquisition over test signal
delta_ct = []; delta_foff = []; timing_mx_log = []; foff_metric_log = [];
% coarse acquiistion test. We have no idea of timing or freq
% offset for coarse we just use constant window shifts to simulate
% a bunch of trials, this allows averaging of freq est
% metric over time as we receive more and more frames
st = 0.5*Nsamperframe;
en = 2.5*Nsamperframe - 1; % note this gives Nsamperframe possibilities for coarse timing
% actual known position of correct coarse timing
ct_target = mod(sim_in.initial_noise_sams + Nsamperframe/2, Nsamperframe);
i = 1;
states.foff_metric = 0;
for w=1:Nsamperframe:length(rx)-4*Nsamperframe
[ct_est timing_valid timing_mx] = est_timing(states, real(rx(w+st:w+en)), rate_fs_pilot_samples);
[foff_est states] = est_freq_offset(states, real(rx(w+st:w+en)), rate_fs_pilot_samples, ct_est);
if states.verbose
printf("i: %2d w: %5d ct_est: %4d foff_est: %5.1f timing_mx: %3.2f timing_vld: %d\n", i++, w, ct_est, foff_est, timing_mx, timing_valid);
% valid coarse timing ests are modulo Nsamperframe
delta_ct = [delta_ct ct_est-ct_target];
delta_foff = [delta_foff (foff_est-foff_hz)];
timing_mx_log = [timing_mx_log; timing_mx];
foff_metric_log = [foff_metric_log states.foff_metric];
if states.verbose > 1
%printf("mean: %f std: %f\n", mean(delta_foff), std(delta_foff));
figure(1); clf; plot(timing_mx_log,'+-');
figure(2); clf; plot(delta_ct,'+-');
figure(3); clf; plot(delta_foff,'+-');
figure(4); clf; plot(foff_metric_log,'+');
figure(5); clf; plot(real(rx))
Generates aquisistion statistics for AWGN and HF channels for
continuous signals. Probability of acquistion is what matters,
e.g. if it's 50% we can expect sync within 2 frames.
function res = acquisition_histograms(fine_en = 0, foff, EbNoAWGN=-1, EbNoHF=3, verbose=1)
Fs = 8000;
Ntests = 100;
% allowable tolerance for acquistion
ftol_hz = 1.5; % we can sync up on this
ttol_samples = 0.002*Fs; % 2ms, ie CP length
% AWGN channel at uncoded Eb/No operating point
[dct dfoff] = acquisition_test(Ntests, EbNoAWGN, foff, 0, fine_en);
% Probability of acquistion is what matters, e.g. if it's 50% we can
% expect sync within 2 frames
PtAWGN = length(find (abs(dct) < ttol_samples))/length(dct);
printf("AWGN P(time offset acq) = %3.2f\n", PtAWGN);
if fine_en == 0
PfAWGN = length(find (abs(dfoff) < ftol_hz))/length(dfoff);
printf("AWGN P(freq offset acq) = %3.2f\n", PfAWGN);
if verbose
figure(1); clf;
hist(dct(find (abs(dct) < ttol_samples)))
t = sprintf("Coarse Timing Error AWGN EbNo = %3.2f foff = %3.1f", EbNoAWGN, foff);
if fine_en == 0
hist(dfoff(find(abs(dfoff) < 2*ftol_hz)))
t = sprintf("Coarse Freq Error AWGN EbNo = %3.2f foff = %3.1f", EbNoAWGN, foff);
% HF channel at uncoded operating point
[dct dfoff] = acquisition_test(Ntests, EbNoHF, foff, 1, fine_en);
PtHF = length(find (abs(dct) < ttol_samples))/length(dct);
printf("HF P(time offset acq) = %3.2f\n", PtHF);
if fine_en == 0
PfHF = length(find (abs(dfoff) < ftol_hz))/length(dfoff)
printf("HF P(freq offset acq) = %3.2f\n", PfHF);
if verbose
figure(3); clf;
hist(dct(find (abs(dct) < ttol_samples)))
t = sprintf("Coarse Timing Error HF EbNo = %3.2f foff = %3.1f", EbNoHF, foff);
if fine_en == 0
hist(dfoff(find(abs(dfoff) < 2*ftol_hz)))
t = sprintf("Coarse Freq Error HF EbNo = %3.2f foff = %3.1f", EbNoHF, foff);
res = [PtAWGN PfAWGN PtHF PfHF];
% plot some curves of Acquisition probability against EbNo and freq offset
function acquistion_curves
EbNo = [-1 2 5 8];
%foff = [-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20];
foff = [-15 -5 0 5 15];
cc = ['b' 'g' 'k' 'c' 'm'];
figure(1); clf; hold on; title('P(timing) AWGN'); xlabel('Eb/No dB'); legend('location', 'southeast');
figure(2); clf; hold on; title('P(freq) AWGN'); xlabel('Eb/No dB'); legend('location', 'southeast');
figure(3); clf; hold on; title('P(timing) HF'); xlabel('Eb/No dB'); legend('location', 'southeast');
figure(4); clf; hold on; title('P(freq) HF'); xlabel('Eb/No dB'); legend('location', 'southeast');
for f = 1:length(foff)
afoff = foff(f);
res_log = [];
for e = 1:length(EbNo)
aEbNo = EbNo(e);
res = zeros(1,4);
res = acquisition_histograms(fine_en = 0, afoff, aEbNo, aEbNo+4, verbose = 0);
res_log = [res_log; res];
figure(1); l = sprintf('%c+-;%3.1f Hz;', cc(f), afoff); plot(EbNo, res_log(:,1), l);
figure(2); l = sprintf('%c+-;%3.1f Hz;', cc(f), afoff); plot(EbNo, res_log(:,3), l);
figure(3); l = sprintf('%c+-;%3.1f Hz;', cc(f), afoff); plot(EbNo+4, res_log(:,2), l);
figure(4); l = sprintf('%c+-;%3.1f Hz;', cc(f), afoff); plot(EbNo+4, res_log(:,4), l);
figure(1); print('-deps', '-color', "ofdm_dev_acq_curves_time_awgn.eps")
figure(2); print('-deps', '-color', "ofdm_dev_acq_curves_freq_awgn.eps")
figure(3); print('-deps', '-color', "ofdm_dev_acq_curves_time_hf.eps")
figure(4); print('-deps', '-color', "ofdm_dev_acq_curves_freq_hf.eps")
% Used to develop sync state machine - in particular a metric to show
% we are out of sync, or have sync with a bad freq offset est, or have
% lost modem signal
function sync_metrics(x_axis = 'EbNo')
Fs = 8000;
Ntests = 4;
f_offHz = [-25:25];
EbNodB = [-10 0 3 6 10 20];
%f_offHz = [-5:5:5];
%EbNodB = [-10 0 10];
cc = ['b' 'g' 'k' 'c' 'm' 'b'];
pt = ['+' '+' '+' '+' '+' 'o'];
mean_mx1_log = mean_dfoff_log = [];
for f = 1:length(f_offHz)
af_offHz = f_offHz(f);
mean_mx1_row = mean_dfoff_row = [];
for e = 1:length(EbNodB)
aEbNodB = EbNodB(e);
[dct dfoff timing_mx_log] = acquisition_test(Ntests, aEbNodB, af_offHz);
mean_mx1 = mean(timing_mx_log(:,1));
printf("f_offHz: %5.2f EbNodB: % 6.2f mx1: %3.2f\n", af_offHz, aEbNodB, mean_mx1);
mean_mx1_row = [mean_mx1_row mean_mx1];
mean_dfoff_row = [mean_dfoff_row mean(dfoff)];
mean_mx1_log = [mean_mx1_log; mean_mx1_row];
mean_dfoff_log = [mean_dfoff_log; mean_dfoff_row];
figure(1); clf; hold on; grid;
if strcmp(x_axis,'EbNo')
for f = 1:length(f_offHz)
if f == 2, hold on, end;
leg1 = sprintf("b+-;mx1 %4.1f Hz;", f_offHz(f));
plot(EbNodB, mean_mx1_log(f,:), leg1)
hold off;
xlabel('Eb/No (dB)');
title('Pilot Correlation Metric against Eb/No for different Freq Offsets');
legend("location", "northwest"); legend("boxoff");
axis([min(EbNodB) max(EbNodB) 0 1.2])
print('-deps', '-color', "ofdm_dev_pilot_correlation_ebno.eps")
if strcmp(x_axis,'freq')
% x axis is freq
for e = length(EbNodB):-1:1
leg1 = sprintf("%c%c-;mx1 %3.0f dB;", cc(e), pt(e), EbNodB(e));
plot(f_offHz, mean_mx1_log(:,e), leg1)
hold off;
xlabel('freq offset (Hz)');
title('Pilot Correlation Metric against Freq Offset for different Eb/No dB');
legend("location", "northwest"); legend("boxoff");
axis([min(f_offHz) max(f_offHz) 0 1])
print('-deps', '-color', "ofdm_dev_pilot_correlation_freq.eps")
figure(2); clf;
for e = 1:length(EbNodB)
if e == 2, hold on, end;
leg1 = sprintf("+-;mx1 %3.0f dB;", EbNodB(e));
plot(f_offHz, mean_dfoff_log(:,e), leg1)
hold off;
xlabel('freq offset (Hz)');
ylabel('Mean Freq Est Error')
title('Freq Est Error against Freq Offset for different Eb/No dB');
axis([min(f_offHz) max(f_offHz) -5 5])
% during development it was discovered demod could obtain a flase sync with no UW
% errors at +/- 7Hz, approx the frame rate. This function is used to explore that
function debug_false_sync(EbNodB = 100)
Ts = 0.018;
sim_in.Tcp = 0.002;
sim_in.Rs = 1/Ts; sim_in.bps = 2; sim_in.Nc = 17; sim_in.Ns = 8;
sim_in.Nsec = (sim_in.Ns+1)/sim_in.Rs; % one frame, make sure sim_in.interleave_frames = 1
sim_in.Nsec = 1;
sim_in.EbNodB = 40;
sim_in.verbose = 0;
sim_in.hf_en = 0;
sim_in.foff_hz = 0;
sim_in.dfoff_hz_per_sec = 0.00;
sim_in.sample_clock_offset_ppm = 0;
sim_in.gain = 1;
sim_in.timing_en = 0;
sim_in.foff_est_en = 0;
sim_in.phase_est_en = 1;
load HRA_112_112.txt
sim_in.ldpc_code = HRA_112_112;
sim_in.ldpc_en = 0;
%sim_in.interleave_frames = 1;
%sim_in.diversity_en = 1;
sim_in.uw_debug = 1;
foff = -25:0.5:25;
for f=1:length(foff)
sim_in.foff_hz = foff(f);
sim_out = run_sim(sim_in);
min_uw_errors(f) = min(sim_out.uw_errors_log(2:end-1));
printf("f: %4.2f %2d\n", foff(f), min_uw_errors(f));
figure(1); clf;
plot(foff, min_uw_errors);
title('UW errors versus freq offset');
xlabel('Freq Offset (Hz)');
% Using an input raw file, plot frame by frame metric information,
% used to debug false syncs
function metric_fbf(fn, Nsec)
Ts = 0.018;
states = ofdm_init(bps=2, Rs=1/Ts, Tcp=0.002, Ns=8, Nc=17);
states.verbose = 2;
% factor of 2 as input is a real valued signal
Ascale = states.amp_scale/2;
f = fopen(fn,"rb"); rx = fread(f,Inf,"short")'/Ascale; fclose(f);
if (nargin == 2) && (length(rx) > Nsec*Fs)
rx = rx(1:Nsec*Fs);
Nsam = length(rx);
%bpf_coeff = make_ofdm_bpf(write_c_header_file=0);
%rx = filter(bpf_coeff,1,rx);
st = 0.5*Nsamperframe;
en = 2.5*Nsamperframe - 1; % note this gives Nsamperframe possibilities for coarse timing
i = 1; w_log = timing_mx_log = av_level_log = [];
states.foff_metric = 0;
for w=1:Nsamperframe:length(rx)-4*Nsamperframe
printf("%3d %5d", i,w);
if i == 30
states.verbose = 3;
states.verbose = 2;
[ct_est timing_valid timing_mx av_level] = est_timing(states, real(rx(w+st:w+en)), states.rate_fs_pilot_samples);
w_log = [w_log w];
timing_mx_log = [timing_mx_log timing_mx];
av_level_log = [av_level_log av_level];
figure(2); clf;
mx = max(abs(rx));
subplot(211); plot(rx); axis([0 Nsam -mx mx]);
subplot(212); hold on;
plot(w_log,timing_mx_log,'b+-;timing mx;');
plot(w_log,av_level_log,'g+-;av level;');
hold off;
% ---------------------------------------------------------
% choose simulation to run here
% ---------------------------------------------------------
more off;
path_to_cml = '~/cml';
addpath(strcat(path_to_cml, "/mex"), strcat(path_to_cml, "/mat"));
if exist("Somap") == 0
printf("Can't find CML mex directory so we wont init CML...\n");
printf("OK found CML mex directory so will init CML...\n");
%acquisition_histograms(fin_en=0, foff_hz=-15, EbNoAWGN=-1, EbNoHF=3)
%acquisition_test(Ntests=10, EbNodB=-1, foff_hz=0, hf_en=0, verbose=1);
%acquisition_dev(Ntests=10, EbNodB=100, foff_hz=0)