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% fsk_basic_alt.m
% David Rowe April 2018
% Modification of fsk_basic.m, to explore idea of alternating tone frequencies
% for multipath channels.
So alternate tone spacings at Rs/2 worked quite well, no implementation loss
but odd spectrum.
But when multipath added (e.g 2ms delay on 2.5ms Rs), performance the same
as for non-stepped tones. Multipath echo must be interfering with stepped
When 2nd step of tones are Rs spaced - then multipath perf much better,
as expected.
There is also the impact of freq selective fading as well as ISI, FSK
tone level will be pushed down and we may choose wrong tone.
Also be interesting to test FSK with FEC on HF, combined response.
% make sure we get same results from random number generators on each run
% constants -----------------------------------------------------------
Fs = 8000; % sample rate
f1 = 1000;
f2 = 1400;
f3 = 1200;
f4 = 1600;
Rs = 400; % symbol rate
Ts = Fs/Rs; % length of each symbol in samples
% simulation parameters -----------------------------------------------
Nbits = 10000;
EbNodB = 9;
multipath = 1;
stepped = 1;
% start simulation ----------------------------------------------------
tx_bits = round(rand(1,Nbits));
% continuous phase FSK modulator
w1 = 2*pi*f1/Fs;
w2 = 2*pi*f2/Fs;
w3 = 2*pi*f3/Fs;
w4 = 2*pi*f4/Fs;
% choose tones here, e.g. offset on every 2nd symbol
if stepped
w = [w1 w2; w3 w4];
w = [w1 w2; w1 w2];
tx_phase = 0;
tx = zeros(1,Ts*Nbits);
for i=1:Nbits
for k=1:Ts
tx_phase += w(1+mod(i-1,2),1+tx_bits(i));
tx((i-1)*Ts+k) = exp(j*tx_phase);
% AWGN channel noise
EbNo = 10^(EbNodB/10);
variance = Fs/(Rs*EbNo);
noise = sqrt(variance/2)*(randn(1,Nbits*Ts) + j*randn(1,Nbits*Ts));
rx = tx + noise;
if multipath
d = 0.002*Fs;
tx_delayed = [zeros(1,d) tx(1:end-d)];
rx += 0.5*tx_delayed;
figure(1); clf;
Tx = abs(fft(tx(1:Fs)));
% integrate and dump demodulator
rx_bits = zeros(1,Nbits);
for i=1:Nbits
arx_symb = rx((i-1)*Ts + (1:Ts));
wr = 1+mod(i-1,2);
filt1 = sum(exp(-j*w(wr,1)*(1:Ts)) .* arx_symb);
filt2 = sum(exp(-j*w(wr,2)*(1:Ts)) .* arx_symb);
rx_bits(i) = filt2 > filt1;
Nerrors = sum(xor(tx_bits, rx_bits));
ber = Nerrors/Nbits;
printf("EbNodB: %4.1f Nerrors: %d BER: %1.3f\n", EbNodB, Nerrors, ber);