Browse Source

feat: Documented and re-formatted modules.lua

connorgmeean 3 years ago
  1. 94


@ -7,65 +7,77 @@
return { return {
features = { features = {
"auto_session", -- Language features
"autopairs", "annotations", -- Code annotation generator
"colorizer", "auto_install", -- Auto install LSP providers
-- "dap", "autopairs", -- Automatically close character pairs
"dashboard", "comment", -- Adds keybinds to comment in any language
-- "doom_themes", "linter", -- Linting and formatting for languages
"editorconfig", "lsp", -- Code completion
-- "explorer", "snippets", -- Code snippets for all languages
-- "firenvim",
-- "formatter", -- Editor
"gitsigns", "auto_session", -- Remember sessions between loads
"illuminate", "colorizer", -- Show colours in neovim
"indentlines", "editorconfig", -- Support editorconfig files
"comment", "gitsigns", -- Show git changes in sidebar
-- "lazygit", "illuminate", -- Highlight other copies of the word you're hovering on
"linter", "indentlines", -- Show indent lines with special characters
"lsp", "range_highlight", -- Highlight selected range from commands
-- "minimap", "todo_comments", -- Highlight TODO: comments
-- "neogit",
-- "neorg", -- UI
"range_highlight", "fidget", -- Check status of LSP loading
-- "ranger", "tabline", -- Tab bar buffer switcher
-- "restclient", "dashboard", -- A pretty dashboard upon opening
-- "show_registers", "trouble", -- A pretty diagnostic viewer
"snippets", "statusline", -- A pretty status line at the bottom of the buffer
"statusline", -- "minimap", -- Shows current position in document
"projects", -- Tools
-- "suda", -- "dap", -- Debug code through neovim
-- "superman", "explorer", -- An enhanced filetree explorer
-- "symbols", -- "firenvim", -- Embed neovim in your browser
"auto_install", "telescope", -- Fuzzy searcher to find files, grep code and more
"annotations", "neorg", -- Organise your life
"tabline", "whichkey", -- An interactive sheet
"telescope", "projects", -- Quickly switch between projects
-- "terminal",
"todo_comments", -- "doom_themes", -- Extra themes for doom
"trouble", -- "lazygit", -- Lazy git integration
"whichkey", -- "neogit", -- A git client for neovim
-- "zen", -- "ranger", -- File explorer in neovim (TODO: Test)
-- "restclient", -- Test HTTP requests from neovim (TODO: Test)
-- "show_registers", -- Show and navigate between registers
-- "suda", -- Save using sudo when necessary
-- "superman", -- Read unix man pages in neovim
-- "symbols", -- Navigate between code symbols using telescope
-- "terminal", -- Integrated terminal in neovim
-- "zen", -- Distractionless coding
}, },
langs = { langs = {
-- Scripts
"lua", "lua",
"python", "python",
"bash", "bash",
-- Web
"javascript", "javascript",
"typescript", "typescript",
"css", "css",
"vue", "vue",
"tailwindcss", "tailwindcss",
-- Compiled
"rust", "rust",
"cpp", "cpp",
-- JIT
"c_sharp", "c_sharp",
"kotlin", "kotlin",
"java", "java",
"config", -- JSON, YAML, TOML
} }
} }
