You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

100 lines
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-- doom_modules - Doom nvim module selection
-- The doom_modules controls what Doom nvim plugins modules are enabled and
-- what features are being used.
-- Comment out a plugin to enable it and comment a non-commented one to
-- disable and uninstall it.
-- NOTE: you can open the Doom nvim documentation by pressing `SPC d h`. You
-- will find a table of content where you will see a "Doomrc" section under the
-- "Configuration" one. In that section you will find a comprehensive list of
-- the available modules and all their supported flags.
local M = {}
M.source = debug.getinfo(1, "S").source:sub(2)
M.modules = {
ui = {
"dashboard", -- Start screen
-- "doom-themes", -- Additional doom emacs' colorschemes
-- "indentlines", -- Show indent lines
-- "show_registers", -- popup that shows register contents
"statusline", -- Statusline
"tabline", -- Tabline, shows your buffers list at top
"which-key", -- Keybindings popup menu like Emacs' guide-key
-- "zen", -- Distraction free environment
-- "illuminated", -- Highlight other uses of the word under the cursor like VSC
doom = {
-- "compiler", -- Compile (and run) your code with just pressing three keys!
-- "contrib", -- Special plugins intended for Doom Nvim contributors (lua docs, etc)
"neorg", -- Life Organization Tool, used by Doom Nvim user manual
-- "runner", -- Open a REPL for the current language or run the current file
editor = {
"autopairs", -- Autopairs
"auto-session", -- A small automated session manager for Neovim
"dap", -- Debug Adapter Protocol
-- "editorconfig", -- EditorConfig support for Neovim
"explorer", -- Tree explorer
"formatter", -- File formatting
"gitsigns", -- Git signs
"kommentary", -- Comments plugin
-- "linter", -- Asynchronous linter, see errors in your code on the fly
"lsp", -- Language Server Protocols
-- "minimap", -- Code minimap, requires
-- "ranger", -- Ranger File Browser, requires ranger file browser
"snippets", -- Code snippets
-- "symbols", -- LSP symbols and tags
"telescope", -- Highly extendable fuzzy finder over lists
-- "terminal", -- Terminal for Neovim (NOTE: needed for runner and compiler)
-- "trouble", -- A pretty list to help you solve all the trouble your code is causing.
langs = {
-- To enable the language server for a language just add the +lsp flag
-- at the end, e.g. 'rust +lsp'. This will install the rust TreeSitter
-- parser and rust-analyzer
-- "css", -- CSS support
-- "html", -- HTML support
-- "javascript", -- JavaScript support
-- "typescript", -- TypeScript support
-- "bash", -- The terminal gods language
-- "elixir", -- Build scalable and maintainable software
"lua", -- Support for our gods language
-- "python +lsp", -- Python support + lsp
-- "ruby", -- Look ma, I love the gems!
-- "c", -- Core dumped: segmentation fault
-- "cpp", -- C++ support
-- "go", -- Hello, gopher
-- "haskell", -- Because Functional programming is fun, isn't it?
-- "java", -- Java support
-- "rust +lsp", -- Let's get rusty!
-- "scala", -- Java, but good
-- "comment", -- Better annotations and comments
-- "config", -- Configuration files (JSON, YAML, TOML)
-- "dockerfile", -- Do you like containers, right?
utilities = {
-- "lazygit", -- LazyGit integration for Neovim, requires LazyGit
-- "neogit", -- Magit for Neovim
"range-highlight", -- Hightlights ranges you have entered in commandline
-- "suda", -- Write and read files without sudo permissions
-- "superman", -- Read Unix man pages faster than a speeding bullet!
-- "todo_comments", -- Highlight, list and search todo comments in your projects
web = {
-- "colorizer", -- Fastest colorizer for Neovim
-- "firenvim", -- Requires firenvim browser extension; change fontsize by increasing guifontsize in doom_config
-- "restclient", -- A fast Neovim http client
return M
-- vim: sw=2 sts=2 ts=2 fdm=indent noexpandtab