@ -681,12 +681,10 @@ effectively producing a non-incremental, stop-the-world collector.
The garbage-collector step size controls the
The garbage-collector step size controls the
size of each incremental step,
size of each incremental step,
specifically how many objects the interpreter creates
specifically how many objects the interpreter creates
before performing a step.
before performing a step:
This parameter is logarithmic:
A value of @M{n} means the interpreter will create
A value of @M{n} means the interpreter will create @M{2@sp{n}}
approximately @M{n} objects between steps.
objects between steps.
The default value is 250.
The default value is 8,
which means steps of approximately @N{256 objects}.
@ -728,11 +726,13 @@ The default value is 100.
The major-minor multiplier controls the shift back to minor collections.
The major-minor multiplier controls the shift back to minor collections.
For a multiplier @M{x},
For a multiplier @M{x},
the collector will shift back to minor collections
the collector will shift back to minor collections
after a major collection collects at least @M{x%} of the allocated objects.
after a major collection collects at least @M{x%}
of the objects allocated during the last cycle.
In particular, for a multiplier of 0,
In particular, for a multiplier of 0,
the collector will immediately shift back to minor collections
the collector will immediately shift back to minor collections
after doing one cycle of major collections.
after doing one cycle of major collections.
The default value is 2 0.
The default value is 8 0.
@ -3336,19 +3336,32 @@ Returns a boolean that tells whether the collector is running
(i.e., not stopped).
(i.e., not stopped).
@item{@defid{LUA_GCINC} (int pause, int stepmul, int stepsize)|
Changes the collector to incremental mode
Changes the collector to incremental mode.
with the given parameters @see{incmode}.
Returns the previous mode (@id{LUA_GCGEN} or @id{LUA_GCINC}).
Returns the previous mode (@id{LUA_GCGEN} or @id{LUA_GCINC}).
@item{@defid{LUA_GCGEN} (int minormul, int minormajor, int majorminor)|
Changes the collector to generational mode
Changes the collector to generational mode.
with the given parameters @see{genmode}.
Returns the previous mode (@id{LUA_GCGEN} or @id{LUA_GCINC}).
Returns the previous mode (@id{LUA_GCGEN} or @id{LUA_GCINC}).
@item{@defid{LUA_GCSETPARAM} (int param, int value)|
Changes the values of a parameter of the collector and returns
the previous value of that parameter.
The argument @id{param} must have one of the following values:
@item{@defid{LUA_GCPMINORMUL}| The minor multiplier. }
@item{@defid{LUA_GCPMAJORMINOR}| The major-minor multiplier. }
@item{@defid{LUA_GCPMINORMAJOR}| The minor-major multiplier. }
@item{@defid{LUA_GCPPAUSE}| The garbage-collector pause. }
@item{@defid{LUA_GCPSTEPMUL}| The step multiplier. }
@item{@defid{LUA_GCPSTEPSIZE}| The step size. }
For more details about these options,
For more details about these options,
see @Lid{collectgarbage}.
see @Lid{collectgarbage}.
@ -6347,20 +6360,35 @@ Returns a boolean that tells whether the collector is running
Change the collector mode to incremental.
Changes the collector mode to incremental and returns the previous mode.
This option can be followed by three numbers:
the garbage-collector pause,
the step multiplier,
and the step size @see{incmode}.
A -1 or absent value means to not change that value.
Change the collector mode to generational.
Changes the collector mode to generational and returns the previous mode.
This option can be followed by three numbers:
the garbage-collector minor multiplier,
the minor-major multiplier, and the major-minor multiplier @see{genmode}.
A -1 or absent value means to not change that value.
Changes the values of a parameter of the collector and returns
the previous value of that parameter.
This option must be followed by two extra arguments:
The name of the parameter being changed (a string)
and the new value for that parameter (an integer).
The argument @id{param} must have one of the following values:
@item{@St{minormul}| The minor multiplier. }
@item{@St{majorminor}| The major-minor multiplier. }
@item{@St{minormajor}| The minor-major multiplier. }
@item{@St{pause}| The garbage-collector pause. }
@item{@St{stepmul}| The step multiplier. }
@item{@St{stepsize}| The step size. }
To be able to divide by 100
(as most parameters are given as percentages)
without using floating-point arithmetic,
Lua stores these parameters encoded.
This encoding approximates the real value;
so, the value returned as the previous value may not be
equal to the last value set.
@ -9249,9 +9277,10 @@ declare a local variable with the same name in the loop body.
There were several changes in the parameters
Parameters for the garbage collection are not set
for the options @St{incremental} and @St{generational}
with the options @St{incremental} and @St{generational};
of the function @Lid{collectgarbage}.
instead, there is a new option @St{setparam} to that end.
Moreover, there were some changes in the parameters themselves.
@ -9277,9 +9306,10 @@ to signal the end of the dump.
There were several changes in the parameters
Parameters for the garbage collection are not set
for the options @Lid{LUA_GCINC} and @Lid{LUA_GCGEN}
with the options @Lid{LUA_GCINC} and @Lid{LUA_GCGEN};
of the function @Lid{lua_gc}.
instead, there is a new option @Lid{LUA_GCSETPARAM} to that end.
Moreover, there were some changes in the parameters themselves.