luaV_execute should compute 'ra' only when the instruction uses it.
Computing an illegal address is undefined behavior even if the address
is never dereferenced.
The explanation includes the limit case of maxinteger being a border.
It also avoids the term "natural", which might include large floats
with natural values.
The flag CIST_FIN does not mark a finalizer, but the function that was
running when the finalizer was called. (So, the function did not call
the finalizer, but it looks that way in the stack.)
The pointer to the metamethod can be invalidated by a finalizer that
can run during a GC in 'checkstackGCp'. (This commit also fixes a
detail in the manual.) Bug introduced in commit 91673a8ec.
When closing variables during 'coroutine.close' or 'lua_resetthread',
the status of a coroutine must be set to LUA_OK; a coroutine should
not run with any other status. (See assertion in 'lua_callk'.)
After the reset, the status should be kept as normal, as any error
was already reported.
'luaD_pretailcall' mimics 'luaD_precall', handling call metamethods
and calling C functions directly. That makes the code in the
interpreter loop simpler.
This commit also goes back to emulating the tail call in 'luaD_precall'
with a goto, as C compilers may not do proper tail calls and the C
stack can overflow much sooner than the Lua stack (which grows as the
metamethod is added to it).
Any C function can receive maxinteger as an integer argument, and
therefore cannot increment it without some care (e.g., doing unsigned
arithmetic as the core does).
The parameters 'nresults' and 'delta1', in 'luaD_precall', were never
meaningful simultaneously. So, they were combined in a single parameter
In 'lcode.c', when adding constants to the list of constants of a
function, integers represent themselves in the cache and floats
with integral values get a small delta to avoid collision with
integers. (This change avoids creating artificial addresses; the old
implementation converted integers to pointers to index the cache.)
When integer keys do not form a sequence, it is better to use all their
bits to compute their hashes. (The previous implementation was quite bad
for integer keys with common lower bits, and disastrous for integer keys
changing only in their upper 32 bits.)