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127 lines
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127 lines
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% \begin{enumerate}[1.]
\tikzstyle{mybox} = [draw=black, very thick,
rectangle, rounded corners, inner sep=9pt, inner ysep=20pt]
\tikzstyle{fancytitle} =[fill=white, text=black, ellipse]
\node [mybox] (box){%
\node[fancytitle, right=10pt] at (box.north west) {\emph{建议}};
% \node[fancytitle, rounded corners] at (box.east) {$\clubsuit$};
\tikzstyle{mybox} = [draw=black, very thick,
rectangle, rounded corners, inner sep=9pt, inner ysep=20pt]
\tikzstyle{fancytitle} =[fill=white, text=black]
\node [mybox] (box){%
\node[fancytitle, right=10pt] at (box.north west) {\emph{注意}};
%\node[fancytitle, rounded corners] at (box.east) {$\clubsuit$};
\tikzstyle{mybox} = [draw=black, very thick,
rectangle, rounded corners, inner sep=9pt, inner ysep=20pt]
\tikzstyle{fancytitle} =[fill=white, text=black]
\node [mybox] (box){%
\node[fancytitle, right=10pt] at (box.north west) {\emph{提示}};
%\node[fancytitle, rounded corners] at (box.east) {$\clubsuit$};
\newcommand\eitem[1]{\item {\itshape {#1}}}
\newcommand{\transdsl}{\ascii{Transaction DSL}}
%\newcommand{\Email}{\begingroup \def\UrlLeft{<}\def\UrlRight{>} \urlstyle{tt}\Url}
\tikz[remember picture, overlay]%
\node [rotate = #1, scale = #2] at (current {%
\newcommand{\tabincell}[2]{\begin{tabular}{@{}#1@{}}#2\end{tabular}} % \tabincell{l}{line1 \\ line2}
\def\FrameCommand{\vrule width 3pt \hspace{0pt}}% original here is \hspace{10pt}
\MakeFramed {\advance\hsize-\width \FrameRestore}}%
% 流程图定义基本形状
\tikzstyle{startstop} = [rectangle, rounded corners, minimum width = 2cm, minimum height=1ex,text centered, draw = black, fill = red!40]
\tikzstyle{io} = [trapezium, trapezium left angle=70, trapezium right angle=110, minimum width=2cm, minimum height=1ex, text centered, draw=black, fill = blue!40]
\tikzstyle{process} = [rectangle, minimum width=2cm, minimum height=1ex, text centered, draw=black, fill = yellow!50]
\tikzstyle{decision} = [diamond, aspect = 3, text centered, draw=black, fill = green!30]
% 箭头形式
\tikzstyle{arrow} = [->,>=stealth]